September 19, 2024


Senate trial: President's team could move to dismiss charges
A resolution being drafted by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell would allow President Donald Trump’s legal team to immediately dismiss the impeachment charges. Read More.
Virginia rally peaceful despite reported threats against speakers
Organizers of Monday’s gun rights rally at issued a last-minute alert warning of threats made against the event’s speakers. Read More.
Did Amb. Yovanovitch seek to monitor pro-Trump journalists?
Judicial Watch has filed two Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuits against the State Department for documents tied to the alleged monitoring of President Donald Trump’s family, lawyer, and journalists, as ordered by then-U.S. Ambassador to the Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch. Read More.
Palladium shines as investors' gold
All the glitter is on gold, all the shine is on silver, and all the rust is on copper. Another metal is captivating investors everywhere, though – and that metal is palladium. Read More.
New book profiles corrupt progressives: 5 wealthy Bidens
In his new book "Profiles In Corruption”, investigative reporter Peter Schweizer says that prominent progressive politicians “are making sweetheart deals, generating side income, bending the law to their own benefits and using legislation to advance their own interests.” Read More.
Virginia senator warns: ‘We are being set up’
Thousands of gun rights advocates in Virginia who plan to rally at the state capitol on Monday have been warned that state officials are looking for any reason possible to squelch their efforts to defend the Second Amendment and could even use government plants. Read More.
'Conservative'? Cato opposes outsourcing U.S. jobs as bigotry
If the mask had not already been completely lifted on the fictitious conservative standing of globalist free trade "libertarian" organizations such as the Cato Institute, a telling tweet this month has surely sealed the deal. Read More.
3 federal agencies reportedly investigating Rep. Omar
The FBI, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and the Department of Education inspector general are looking into alleged crimes committed by Rep. Ilhan Omar related to her marital history, reports say. Read More.
Levin to media: Remember Johnny Chung, 'Chinese military money'?
When China’s military “secretly directed” funds to boost the re-election efforts of President Bill Clinton, Democrats didn’t object and most of the media “didn’t care,” radio and TV host Mark Levin said. Read More.
GAO cited team Obama for violating federal law 7 times
As the Senate was preparing for the impeachment trial on Thursday, Democrats and their corporate media allies could not contain their glee when the Government Accountability Office (GAO) released a legal opinion that the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) had violated the law by withholding aid to Ukraine. Read More.
Strategist calls Trump 'master of information warfare’
Since the so-called “mainstream media” spends much of its time criticizing him, President Donald Trump has adeptly used social media to circumvent what he calls the “fake news” and communicate his policies to the masses at home and abroad. But that skill set has taken on strategic significance. Read More.
Heated warning from the Heartland: Election Day coming
Well, it finally happened. Heartlanders – from the mountains to the prairies – went all in on impeachment talk and spent a week praising Trump, condemning the Democrats, and repeating their vows for getting every red-blooded American to the polls. Read More.
'Parade of Fools': Impeachment ceremony astounds onlookers
The Democrats’ partisan sham of an impeachment was topped off with a ridiculous spectacle on Wednesday, pundits and observers said. Read More.
'Historic' Jan. 15: Gold impeachment pens or China deal at White House?
President Donald Trump and Chinese Vice Premier Liu He signed phase one of a major trade deal with far reaching implications on Wednesday. Read More.

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