September 19, 2024


Biden signals return of both Obamas in his administration
Joe Biden on Tuesday hinted that both his former boss and the wife of his former boss could play leading roles in a Biden administration. Read More.
Key poll finds impeachment spurs Trump approval ratings
The more Democrats and their media allies try to remove the duly elected president, the more popular he gets. Read More.
Coronavirus crisis also poses threat to Xi Jinping regime
With nearly 60 million Chinese now under restriction or quarantine, the CCP regime is facing its most serious array of pressures since the Cultural Revolution of the 1960s. Read More.
All Democrat, all the time: The New Mexico case study
Since 1931, no other state has had single-party Democrat rule at the state level as long as New Mexico, a columnist noted. Read More.
'Take it or leave it': Trump's Mideast policy vs Obama's
President Donald Trump on Tuesday aimed at reviving a Middle East peace process which went comatose under President Barack Obama. Read More.
The one Dem who could go toe-to-toe with Trump in a debate
Which member of this rather uninspiring pack of Democrats would be best suited to stand next to President Donald Trump on a general election debate dais? Read More.
Dershowitz on John Bolton 'bombshell': So what?
In what some say was essentially a promotional press release for John Bolton’s book, The New York Times reported on Sunday that the former national security adviser will claim that President Donald Trump tied aid to Ukraine to an alleged promise by the country’s leaders to investigate the Bidens. Read More.
Busted in Baghdad: ISIS mufti issued horrific ‘fatwas’
A captured Islamic State (ISIS) mufti has confessed to issuing a series of rape-and-pillage “fatwas” that gave the group’s jihadists license to carry out gruesome atrocities while the terrorists controlled Mosul, Iraq’s second-largest city, from 2014 to 2017. Read More.
‘Cancel culture’: How Left takes down stand up conservatives
A conservative commentator found herself a target of "cancel culture" after she dared criticize anti-Semitic comments made by Reps. Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, two members of the Democratic Party's so-called "Squad." Read More.
'Retire Nancy': Led by Trump, GOP takes aim at House
House Republicans and President Donald Trump believe the 18-seat net gain needed for the GOP to re-take control of the House from Democrats is within reach this November, especially after House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy’s record-setting fundraising effort in 2019. Read More.
‘Deal of Century’ offers 'realistic two-state solution'
U.S. President Donald Trump unveiled his long-awaited Middle East peace plan on Tuesday which called for the creation of a Palestinian Arab state with a capital in eastern Jerusalem. Read More.
Obama-era solar company charged in Ponzi scheme
Another solar power initiative which enjoyed the many green energy incentives given out by the Obama administration has flamed out. Read More.
Prince Charles cited for excessive carbon emissions
In his quest for a photo op with the Left’s favorite climate alarmist Greta Thunberg, Prince Charles in a matter of days laid down a carbon footprint that is 18 times more than the average yearly output by a British citizen. Read More.
Nielsens reveal soaps bigger draw than impeachment
An online "InstaPoll" from Fox 5 in Washington, D.C. showed 63 percent haven’t watched any of the Senate impeachment trial. Another 22 percent are watching “some” and 15 percent check in for “updates," but from the "news," not the televised trial. Read More.
Honda joins White House plan for U.S. job training
Honda Motor Co. announced on Tuesday it is joining an initiative led by White House adviser Ivanka Trump aimed at boosting U.S. job training opportunities. Read More.

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