February 17, 2025


Turkey's leader envisions return of the Ottoman Empire
Turkey is embarked on resurrecting the Ottoman Empire under the rule of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Read More.
Winners at losing: The U.S. public education system
Just how much longer will American parents, their kids, business leaders and the political class tolerate the dreadful performance of our public schools? It's arguably the greatest threat to our nation's economic health and our national security. Read More.
L.A. fires: Brainwashed nutjobs and stupid ideology
This was a man-made disaster created by a mental illness called "California liberalism." All of that, plus electing as your leader a Kamala Harris DEI clone. Read More.
Consequences of an unchecked Islamist worldview
Before we discuss policy remedies here we must understand the contending worldviews at stake. To confront Islamist dominionism with mere pretend secular forces is to actually strengthen it. Read More.
2025: Looking to Donald Trump for equilibrium
President-elect Donald Trump’s pro-active American foreign policy, while safeguarding U.S. interests will also focus on stopping ongoing conflicts from Ukraine to the Middle East. During the past year in the twilight of the Biden/Harris Administration, and the tumultuous American elections, the global power vacuum expanded dangerously. Read More.
Dems, Deep State didn't stop hating Americans on Nov. 6, 2024
It's been clear for four long years now that Democrats hate us. Read More.
Want real joy? End costly weaponization of the IRS
One of the highest priorities for the incoming Trump administration should be to end the Democrats' weaponization of powerful government agencies against taxpayers and businesses they don't like. Nowhere has this mission been more pernicious than the party-line vote to fund the IRS with nearly $80 billion and hire tens of thousands of new tax snoops. Read More.
Flashback: Paying dearly for America's emperor with no clothes
Today we have a president, Joe Biden, who is both a multimillionaire, a guy who can’t lead the country and a guy that sadly can’t read a teleprompter. Read More.
Grand reopening: Notre Dame rises from the ruins
We have witnessed a modern-day miracle. The splendid Notre Dame Cathedral, the heart and soul of France which was scarred and damaged by the terrible fire of April 2019, has been rebuilt, renovated and revitalized, through an amazing and painstaking restoration effort encompassing both the private and public sector. Read More.
Trump has vanquished long list of crime families, power hubs
No Republican has ever done what Donald J. Trump has done. Not even close. Simply because no Republican has ever won three presidential elections, just to officially win two! Read More.
Climate change was big election loser for Democrat Party
A few days before last week's election, Bernie Sanders issued a dire warning to voters: "If Donald Trump is elected, the struggle against climate change is over." Read More.
Interesting times: Where were you on Nov. 5-6, 2024?
The saying goes, "May you be blessed to live in interesting times." Read More.
'Wrong every time': Left trots out economists for election
What is undeniable is that the 2016 economic agenda worked like a charm — as measured by the record-breaking $4,000 to $5,000 gain in real incomes for average families. Conversely, incomes are down in real terms under Biden-Harris. Oh, and someone tell these ivory-towered economists that inflation and income inequality went DOWN, not up, under Trump. Read More.
'Not Trump' won't do: Kamala's endgame on the Ellipse
On Tuesday evening, Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris delivered a speech on The Ellipse in Washington DC, as a means of closing the campaign in the final week. Ironically, it seemed more like another beginning rather than an effective endgame. She stated that despite serving as vice president during the Biden administration, many voters do not know her yet. At the 11th hour, she is introducing herself…again. Read More.
1980 redux: Nothing 'razor thin' about the 2024 contest
Do you see the many parallels? Donald Trump is the new Reagan. Read More.

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