September 19, 2024


Hillary Clinton and the amazing amnesia of delusional Democrats
Let’s focus on the Cult of Clinton and their claims that Madam President would have done better. Read More.
After Taiwan election, Pompeo hails 'shared' values
The American people and the people of Taiwan are not just partners — we are members of the same community of democracies, bonded by our shared political, economic, and international values. Read More.
Emails reveal FBI's accommodations for Clinton lawyers
Judicial Watch announced on Jan. 9 that it received 211 pages of emails between former FBI officials Peter Strzok and Lisa Page that detail special accommodations given to the lawyers of Hillary Clinton and her aides during the FBI investigation of the Clinton email controversy. Read More.
President shatters 40-year-old illusions about Iran power
For 40 years, the United States would not hold the Iranian regime responsible for the terror proxies it funded, armed, trained, and directed. Read More.
'High level of confidence' Iran shot down Ukrainian airliner
Pentagon officials now believe the Ukrainian airliner which crashed in Iran on Jan. 8 was mistakenly shot down by an Iranian anti-aircraft missile. Read More.
Omar laughed during talk of war dead at press conference
During a Jan. 8 press conference on U.S.-Iran tensions held by the Congressional Progressive Caucus, Rep. Ilhan Omar could be seen laughing in the background as one of her colleagues spoke about American casualties in the Iraq war. Read More.
Intelligence alerted U.S. forces of imminent missile attack
U.S. intelligence services exposed Iran’s plan to retaliate for the killing of Qasem Soleimani and alerted the White House hours before Iran fired over a dozen missiles at targets in Iraq, reports say. Read More.
$4 billion for the wall clears legal hurdle
Make way for the excavators; the Trump Administration just cleared a legal hurdle in its effort to build the Wall along the southern border. Read More.
Ukrainian airliner goes down; Stressed Iran won’t release black box
Iran is refusing to hand over the black boxes from a Ukrainian passenger jet which crashed minutes after takeoff from Teheran on Tuesday. Read More.
Norwegian library defies China on Falun Gong book
Citing the country’s free speech rights, a library in Norway is refusing to give in to communist China’s demands to remove a book that is censored in China, a report said. Read More.
'Unsinkable'? Biden's bid claims divine right of Swamp royalty
Joe Biden’s “selected not elected” presidential campaign is a defiant pose against the current prevailing political winds that argue you cannot win simply by running as an establishment “it’s gotta be me” candidate in the post-Trump era. Read More.
President 'a spy': Seoul accused of bowing to China, North Korea
As critics continue to protest what they say is a major power grab and threat to national sovereignty by the leftist South Korean government, citizens have even resorted to calling an emergency espionage hotline to report President Moon Jae-In as a spy, a report said. Read More.
Personal: Iran official posts link listing Trump properties
After Iran vowed retaliation for the U.S. drone strike which killed its top military commander, an Iranian official linked to an article which lists President Donald Trump’s properties, including the Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida which the president has referred to as the “Southern White House.” Read More.
2020 defense bill finally puts EMP on the U.S. strategic grid
The recently-passed 2020 National Defense Authorization Act includes President Donald Trump’s executive order to assess the risks of a man-made or natural electromagnetic pulse (EMP) hit on the United States. Read More.
Least ethical? In poll, car sales edges out congress
Members of the House of Representatives, controlled by Democrats, have less integrity than chiropractors, journalists, bankers, lawyers and insurance salespeople, according to a new poll. Read More.

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