July 27, 2024


Ted Agres, 70, helped launch alternative media in Washington
Ted Agres, a veteran journalist who played a pioneering role in the launch of The Washington Times and Free Press Foundation has died at 70. Read More.
CNN praises China's Navy, taking the PLA at its word
CNN on Monday ran an article which closely cited a propaganda report from the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) which contends that China's Navy is doing a better job containing the coronavirus than the U.S. Navy. Read More.
White House newsletter slams VOA's pro-China coverage
Voice of American (VOA) "amplified Beijing’s propaganda" by calling the Chinese Communist Party regime's Wuhan coronavirus lockdown "a successful 'model' copied by much of the world," according to an April 9 article in 1600 Daily, an online newsletter and email produced by the White House. Read More.
President to reporter at White House: 'You work for China?'
The leftist White House Correspondents' Association (WHCA) is being asked to explain why it allowed a reporter from a known Chinese propaganda outlet access to Monday's White House coronavirus briefing. Read More.
White House press corps banned out-of-synch Asian American
Leftist media personalities who control the White House Correspondents Association (WHCA) attempted to banish a conservative reporter from White House briefings after the reporter called out the major media for spouting Chinese propaganda on the coronavirus, a report said. Read More.
Media smeared Sen. Tom Cotton on virus warning, attorney says
One of the first U.S. politicians to issue a warning about the seriousness of the coronavirus, as well as China's negligence in its response to the outbreak, was routinely smeared as a conspiracy theorist by the major media. Read More.
Clinton, media celebrate as U.S. leads world in coronavirus cases
In what some observers said was a new low even for them, it seemed some in the corporate media and Democratic Party actually celebrated the U.S. having the most coronavirus cases. Read More.
Upbeat president: Media wants 'to keep our Country closed'
At his daily coronavirus task force briefing Wednesday night, President Donald Trump doubled-down on his timeline for reopening the country. Read More.
Fauci stance on Chloroquine didn't fit media narrative
Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said he would prescribe Chloroquine to coronavirus patients. Read More.
Initial WHO report linked coronavirus to Wuhan, China
The World Health Organization (WHO) first reported on the spread of a previously-unknown virus on Dec. 31, 2019. The virus was linked to a number of pneumonia cases in Wuhan, a city in Eastern China. Read More.
Out-and-out media lies about Trump and coronavirus
It would be nice if concerned Americans could get reliable information on the coronavirus from the major media. Read More.
MIT biologist slams 'fear mongering' by 'deep state'
An MIT scientist and researcher on the human immune system said the U.S. major media and the "deep state" are doing the world a disservice by exaggerating the impact of the coronavirus. Read More.
Major media pounce on comparisons to swine flu in 2009
Pro-Obama corporate media outlets took some time out of their effort to create panic over the coronavirus to attempt to explain why they didn't try to create panic over the swine flu outbreak of 2009. Read More.
Fall of Avenatti: From cable news superstar to rat-infested cell
Michael Avenatti appeared more than 100 times on CNN and MSNBC in 2018. CNN personality Brian Stelter once beamed that his pal Avenatti could run for president. Now Avenatti is confined to a Manhattan jail cell surrounded by rats. Read More.
List of climate change skeptics erased by Wikipedia editors
Some of the world's top scientists include themselves among those who disagree with the so-called "consensus" on man-made climate change. "But the kind of intolerant leftists who tend to edit Wikipedia pages don’t want you to know this," a columnist noted. Read More.

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