July 26, 2024


Conservative WMAL takes over number one in liberal D.C.
A conservative talk radio station has become the new king of radio in the ultra-liberal Washington, D.C. area. Read More.
‘We are NOT in this together’ targets 'power-grabbing' pols
An advertisement which encourages Americans to "take off your mask" and "take back your freedom," amid "tyrannical" coronavirus lockdowns has been blocked by Facebook. Read More.
DOJ releases Barr transcript after skewed NBC report
NBC’s Chuck Todd deceptively edited a sound bite from Attorney General William Barr to make it appear as if Barr had said nothing about upholding the rule of law in dismissing the case against Michael Flynn, when in fact he did, the Department of Justice said. Read More.
Gowdy outs reporters who flacked for Schiff on collusion
Reporters from CNN, Politico and The New York Times helped House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff “peddle” the conspiracy theory that the Trump campaign colluded with the Russian government, former Rep. Trey Gowdy said on Sunday. Read More.
NYC conservatiave talk radio legend Barry Farber, 90
Barry Farber, one of the true pioneers of talk radio, passed away on May 6. He was 90. Read More.
NY Times Pulitzer for 'highly ideological' view of U.S. history
'That is, the most elite award in American journalism, awarded by journalists to other journalists, went to a discredited historical project that amounts to woke propaganda.' Read More.
The Pentagon official and the columnist: Bad news for Flynn
A senior Pentagon official had regular contact with the Washington Post reporter whose column was the impetus for the FBI's interview of former national security adviser Michael Flynn, documents obtained by a government watchdog group show. Read More.
'Now I know too much': Actress turns on Democrats, media
Democrats and their major media allies who claim to be advocates for women but have written off or refused to acknowledge the sexual assault allegations against Joe Biden are nothing more than a "cult" engaged in a "cover-up," actress and #MeToo activist Rose McGowan said. Read More.
Fake the nation: Cuomo stages 'quarantine' in the Hamptons
When one of their on air personalities was diagnosed with coronavirus, CNN took full advantage. They portrayed Chris Cuomo as a model of how to follow quarantine guidelines as the brave anchor broadcast from the basement of his home in the Hamptons. Read More.
Bill Maher disgusted with media’s ‘panic porn’
The corporate media's constant "gloom and doom" reporting on the coronavirus crisis has become "panic porn," comedian Bill Maher said. Read More.
Host for taxpayer-funded NPR: Trump incited 'armed insurrection'
A weekend host on taxpayer-funded National Public Radio (NPR) accused President Donald Trump of encouraging "armed insurrection" via his tweets calling for liberating states from what protesters say are oppressive coronavirus stay-at-home orders. Read More.
NY Times mangles time line, indicts Hannity for virus death
A New York Times columnist blamed Fox News host Sean Hannity for the death of a man who may have contracted the coronavirus while on a cruise to Spain. Read More.
Trump flushes out someone claiming to be Matt Drudge
The ongoing mystery surrounding the editorial integrity of The Drudge Report made news over the weekend after a twitter exchange between President Donald Trump and the famously reclusive Matt Drudge. Read More.
Why New York? Media's coronavirus coverage ducks main question
While much of the media is obsessively focused on savaging the performance of President Donald Trump during the coronavirus pandemic, few are questioning why so many of the nation’s COVID-19 cases are in one state, and in just one city. Read More.
Report: Journalist for CCP told Trump he was from Taiwan
A journalist lied when he told President Donald Trump at a recent White House press conference he was working out of Taiwan. The journalist actually works for a propaganda arm of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), a report revealed. Read More.

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