July 26, 2024


A vigilant America would have stopped Sanders 40 years ago
When he was first elected to office, as mayor of Burlington, Vermont in 1981, it was a known fact that Bernie Sanders was an open socialist. Read More.
Russia, Russia, Russia: Nunes slams ‘lunatics’ in the media
Rep. Devin Nunes said he has long been one of the most fierce anti-Kremlin hawks in Congress, but the "lunatics in the media" are constantly creating out of whole cloth new ways to "insert" him into the Russia hoax. Read More.
Cenk Uygur comes unhinged over Super Tuesday losses
The leftist host of a progressive YouTube show that has more than 4.5 million subscribers is livid that the Democratic Party establishment rallied behind Joe Biden and against Bernie Sanders on Super Tuesday. Read More.
Nunes sues Washington Post for 'hit piece'
Rep. Devin Nunes has filed a lawsuit against The Washington Post for a "hit piece" the California Republican said amounted to defamation. Read More.
Shock: Former never-Trumper buys $1 billion stake in Twitter
An investment firm headed by a former never-Trumper who now supports the president has bought a large stake in Twitter with the intent of replacing CEO Jack Dorsey, reports say. Read More.
Levin: 'Old Brooklyn Communist' Sanders 'has never run a 7-11’
Radio and TV host Mark Levin on Saturday said that conservatives “need to crush Bernie Sanders.” Read More.
Media malpractice? President did not call coronavirus a 'hoax'
President Donald Trump, during a rally in South Carolina on Friday, said that the Democrats’ politicizing of the coronavirus is “their new hoax.” Read More.
AG Barr slams 'consolidated' corporate media
Attorney General William Barr on Wednesday slammed a “monolithic” corporate media whose staff “see themselves less as objective reporters of the facts, and more as agents of change.” Read More.
Reddit ousts moderators of top pro-Trump community
Reddit has purged several moderators from the largest pro-Trump community on the site, reports say. Read More.
Limbaugh: Coronavirus latest weapon ‘to bring down Trump’
The “drive-by media” has a new weapon in its arsenal aimed at taking down President Donald Trump, radio host Rush Limbaugh said. Read More.
The New York Times on the Russians: Not a reliable source
The allure of another Red Scare was just too enticing for the Gray Lady. Read More.
Media floats quid-pro-quo Trump rumor about Julian Assange
Several major media outlets ran with an unsubstantiated rumor which claimed a California Republican congressman had acted on orders from President Donald Trump to offer WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange a pardon in exchange for Assange saying Russia was not involved in the 2016 DNC emails leak. Read More.
Desperation in Seoul over communist threat; News blackout
A driving snowstorm and the continued threat of the Wuhan coronavirus could not stop thousands of South Koreans from taking to the streets in Seoul to protest the liberal policies of President Moon Jae-In, who they say is subordinating the country to communism under China and North Korea. Read More.
Weaponizing wealth: What Bloomberg is getting for his money
Billionaire Mike Bloomberg has pumped more than $360 million of his personal fortune into his upstart bid for the 2020 Democratic Party presidential nomination. Read More.
Genius of Limbaugh: 'Army of one' changed landscape
Radio host Rush Limbaugh’s “army of one” inspired millions of Americans who’d long been ignored, and he changed the political landscape, historian and columnist Victor Davis Hanson noted. Read More.

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