October 22, 2024


Coming to CNN airport screens: Even more race coverage
CNN head honcho Jeff Zucker has announced that the leftist outlet that has bought screens in most major international airports and other public places plans to heavily focus on race-related "coverage." Read More.
Oops: Coronavirus chronicler for NBC never tested positive
NBC News spent weeks chronicling the battle against coronavirus of one of its contributors, Dr. Joseph Fair. Read More.
For CNN, Mt. Rushmore was 'majestic' in 2008
For CNN's army of pundits and "journalists," the America where Mt. Rushmore is situated has changed. In 2008, CNN proclaimed the monument to be "majestic." In 2020, it is "racist." Why? Three words — President — Donald — Trump. Read More.
Rep. Banks: NY Times sacrificed nation's security to hurt Trump
In its eagerness to do anything it takes to smear President Donald Trump, The New York Times not only compromised national security but has "blood" on its hands for reporting that Russia secretly offered bounties to Taliban-linked militants for killing American troops in Afghanistan, a congressman and Afghanistan war veteran said. Read More.
'Just ridiculous': EPA director calls for defunding of NPR
EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler said National Public Radio (NPR) should lose its taxpayer funding after he said an NPR reporter used an interview with him disguised as a news report to slam him and the Trump administration's environmental policies. Read More.
Trump backers switch to Parler as 'techno fascists' ramp up
The ongoing crackdown on conservative content by Twitter and Facebook has motivated droves of President Donald Trump’s supporters to find an alternative, a report said. Read More.
'Stunning': Barr hits media silence on Russia-gate coup
When recent revelations confirmed that Trump-Russia collusion was indeed a coup aimed at removing President Donald Trump perpetrated by the Deep State and Democratic Party, the major media went silent, Attorney General William Barr noted on June 21. Read More.
Media downplayed violence; Twitter censored Sen.Cotton
Twitter, many analysts and observers say, has been especially egregious amid the media coverage of the riots and demonstrations. Read More.
Trump mocks the media: ‘Covid shaming us on our big rallies’
The major media is attempting to "Covid shame" the Trump re-election campaign, but it "won't work," President Donald Trumps said on Monday. Read More.
NY Times capitulates to 'children' triggered by conservative opinion
Editorial page editor James Bennet on Sunday surrendered to the "woke children" who are now seemingly calling the shots at The New York Times, Sen. Tom Cotton said. Read More.
Communist? President in Seoul sues former media tycoon for libel
South Korean liberal President Moon Jae-In sued the former chairman of a television network for libel and spreading "false facts" for allegedly calling the president a "communist." Read More.
Apologies? Study debunking hydroxychloroquine debunked
A research paper which claimed taking hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID-19 could be fatal has been retracted. Read More.
Most Facebook censors are leftists, have Soros ties
The recently appointed Facebook oversight board that will decide which posts get blocked from the world’s most popular social networking website is stacked with leftists, including a close friend of leftwing billionaire George Soros who served on the board of directors of his Open Society Foundations (OSF). Read More.
Major media cite no sources, blame far right for violence
On May 29, the leftist blog “Vice News” got the ball rolling on the conspiracy theory that much of the rioting across America was being driven by the far-right. Read More.

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