July 26, 2024


The Rush Limbaugh-Orson Bean-Andrew Breitbart connection
Returning to his broadcast on Tuesday after receiving treatment for lung cancer, radio host Rush Limbaugh discussed the legacy of the late actor Orson Bean and his son-in-law, the late Andrew Breitbart. Read More.
Bo Snerdley fires back at 'haters' of Rush Limbaugh
Rush Limbaugh, who announced Monday that he has advanced-stage lung cancer, grew visibly emotional when he was presented the Presidential Medal of Freedom at Tuesday's State of the Union Address. Read More.
Rush Limbaugh news moves nation, president
Radio host Rush Limbaugh on Monday revealed he is undergoing treatment for advanced lung cancer. Read More.
Super Bowl ads for drag queens? Yes, says Fox
As host of Super Bowl LIV between the Kansas City Chiefs and San Francisco 49ers, the Fox network green lighted ads featuring drag queens and rabid Second Amendment opponent Michael Bloomberg. Read More.
Above the law? Hillary's agents block process servers
Having thus far successfully dodged charges related to her email scandal, Hillary Clinton is now refusing to accept legal documents in Rep. Tulsi Gabbard’s $50 million defamation lawsuit against her. Read More.
Opinion: Teen Vogue's unholy impact, sinister corporate allies
One of the most depraved, purely evil corporate entities to be found in America today is Teen Vogue. Read More.
Seriously: CNN finds fault with U.S. coronavirus task force
CNN apparently believes it’s better to be infected with a deadly virus than to be un-woke. Read More.
After Pompeo-reporter dustup, Levin questions NPR status
After Secretary of State Mike Pompeo called out a National Public Radio (NPR) media personality for lying and breaking journalistic ethics by reporting on off-the-record comments, the corporate media came to her defense. Read More.
Fired Denver Post columnist insisted there are 2 sexes
The most read columnist for the Denver Post no longer has a job at the newspaper after he wrote that there are only two sexes. Read More.
Sen. McSally levels CNN reporter: 'Liberal hack'
The corporate media has been in lock step with Democrats on impeachment. When a CNN personality on Thursday parroted a Democrat talking point at GOP Sen. Martha McSally, the Arizona senator’s response was classic. Read More.
Clinton media on Gadhafi: 'We came, we saw, he died'
When the Obama administration went after Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi without congressional approval, the major media and Democrats cheered. Read More.
Did DOJ spy on Benghazi reporter Sharyl Attkisson?
A Senate committee chairman is re-opening the case of the Obama administration’s alleged surveillance of journalist Sharyl Attkisson, who was investigating the Obama-era Benghazi and “Fast and Furious” scandals. Read More.
Covington Catholic student prevails in lawsuit against CNN
CNN on Tuesday agreed to settle a lawsuit with Covington Catholic student Nick Sandmann, according to a report by Cincinnati’s Fox19. Read More.
Critics hit media chorus glorifying Soleimani
A senior analyst for Israel’s Channel 12 News Ehud Yaari slammed leftist media personalities and politicians for their criticism of President Donald Trump’s ordering of the drone strike which killed Qasem Soleimani, the head of Iran’s Quds Force of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). Read More.
Biased? NBC's Chuck Todd reveals belief system
Media personality Chuck Todd’s contempt for President Donald Trump and his supporters has been well established. During Sunday’s broadcast of Meet the Press, Todd threw in a "twist of anti-Christian bigotry" for good measure. Read More.

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