September 20, 2024


Russia-Saudi oil power play 'declares war' on U.S. shale
Russia and Saudi Arabia are now engaged in a full-scale oil price war where the ultimate target is the U.S. shale oil industry. Russia provoked this war days ago when it refused to follow OPEC+ plans to decrease production to maintain prices as the coronavirus saps demand. Read More.
Trump sets 'Buy American' policy for medical supplies
President Donald Trump is set to issue a "Buy American" executive order which aims to eliminate the U.S.'s reliance on foreign-made medical supplies. Read More.
FBI knew the score on Flynn, Russia collusion in January 2017
Newly declassified documents show that the FBI knew in January of 2017 that President Donald Trump had not colluded with Russia and that former national security adviser Michael Flynn was not a Russian agent, a report said. Read More.
Soros buys plagues on Americans with $100 million
Lest people fail to understand just how vile progressive globalist billionaire George Soros can be, observe how he is pushing a literal Pandora's Box of plagues upon the American people via an organization benignly called Human Rights Watch. Read More.
U.S. to stop use of IMF, World Bank to repay debts to China
The U.S. Treasury Department is working with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank to ensure that funds from the IMF and World Bank aren't used to pay off debts which nations have incurred due to China’s Belt and Road infrastructure initiative. Read More.
'Got married': Rep. Omar ties knot with consultant after denials
Rep. Ilhan Omar, who reportedly at one time had married her brother in order to get him the documentation he needed to go to school in the United States, has now married a political consultant who formerly worked for her campaign. Read More.
Since when is hating America legitimate public discourse?
The way the far left and media seem to be rejoicing over the collapse of the stock market due to the coronavirus confirms without a doubt, the radical Dems and their partners in the mainstream media would rather have President Donald Trump fail/impeached even if it meant his success would improve the lives of all Americans. Read More.
Taiwan minimized coronavirus impact from nearby Wuhan
The island nation of Taiwan has just 47 confirmed cases of coronavirus despite its close proximity to China, Japan and South Korea, three countries with some of the world’s worst outbreaks of the Wuhan virus. Read More.
'Crossfire Hurricane': 7 months that 'changed American history'
On March 20, 2017, then-FBI Director James Comey gave electrifying testimony before Congress, saying that the entire 2016 Trump campaign was facing investigation for "any links" to the Russian government. Read More.
Economists warn against 'fake moderate' Biden's tax plans
Joe Biden is proposing several tax increases that would derail the record-setting economy engineered by President Donald Trump, economists say. Read More.
New FISA judge confirms: Top FBI officials misled court
Though Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz said the FBI's applications to obtain warrants to spy on the 2016 Trump campaign were riddled with errors, FBI and DOJ officials insisted they were merely unintentional process errors, not efforts to deceive FISA judges. Read More.
'UnTrump' Californian praises White House coronavirus help
California Gov. Gavin Newsom said that President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence have followed through on everything they said they would do when it comes to combating the coronavirus. Read More.
Biden assures nation: Beto will 'take care of the gun problem'
In anointing Beto O'Rourke to be his point man on gun control, Joe Biden solidified a stance he had taken last year — that a President Biden will be coming for you firearm if it is an "assault weapon." Read More.
Russia's 'humble servant' Putin could be president for life
Vladimir Putin reportedly is backing a member of parliament's call for an end to presidential term limits in Russia, which would essentially make him president for life. Read More.
NC man propelled into state-wide office with viral gun speech
A Second Amendment proponent whose 2018 gun rights speech went viral has won the Republican primary in the North Carolina lieutenant governor race. Read More.

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