September 20, 2024


30 states have tech contracts with China’s Lenovo and Lexmark
A large number of states in the U.S. have contracts with two Chinese firms — Lenovo and Lexmark — which are required to report data and information they receive to the communist government in Beijing, security analysts say. Read More.
Limbaugh: Biden knows he can't mention Creator
What many saw as one of Joe Biden's latest gaffes wasn't really a gaffe at all, radio host Rush Limbaugh noted. Read More.
Perfect storm for Joe: Trump sums up Super Tuesday
The Democratic Party establishment enabled Joe Biden to resurrect his presidential campaign on Super Tuesday while "selfish" Elizabeth Warren badly damaged Bernie Sanders' chances, President Donald Trump assessed. Read More.
Illegal charged with child rape caught after NYC released him
Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents have apprehended an illegal immigrant who was charged with child rape in New York City, but had been released due to the city's sanctuary policies. Read More.
Rosenstein’s sister pushed CDC’s panic button on coronavirus
“It's not so much a question of if this will happen anymore, but more really a question of when it will happen,” Dr. Nancy Messonnier said, according to a Feb. 25 NPR report. Read More.
North Korea seals off world from its coronavirus secrets
In a time of crisis, near-panic, over a disease to which the best medical minds have yet to find a sure cure, total cooperation is essential. The World Health Organization, scientists around the world, anyone who knows anything is duty-bound to try and help. Read More.
Report: FBI failed to check Steele court documents
In obtaining the fourth and final wiretap warrant to spy on Trump campaign associate Carter Page, the FBI ignored anti-Trump dossier author Christopher Steele’s own admission in court that at least part of his dossier was based on mere gossip, a report said. Read More.
Coronavirus take toll among top Iran officials
The coronavirus is taking a heavy toll on high ranking government officials in Iran. Read More.
Did Bernie take the Flavor out of Public Enemy?
Is Bernie Sanders responsible for taking the Flavor out of Public Enemy? Read More.
Nunes sues Washington Post for 'hit piece'
Rep. Devin Nunes has filed a lawsuit against The Washington Post for a "hit piece" the California Republican said amounted to defamation. Read More.
President Trump visits post-democratic socialist India
Though many pundits smirkingly dismissed Donald Trump’s whirlwind trip to India as simply style over substance, the clear message was that the United States was reaffirming its close commitment to political and commercial ties to India, the world’s largest democracy. Read More.
Call from Obama: ‘Establishment’ suddenly rallies behind Biden
While not surprised that the Democratic Party establishment would close ranks against socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders, the Sanders campaign was reportedly caught off guard by just how quickly establishment Democrats coalesced around Joe Biden. Read More.
After rough day in Syria, Turkey 'opened the doors' to Europe
Shortly after Turkey suffered its worst single-day military casualties at the hands of Russian-backed Syrian government forces in Idlib last week, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan publicly stated he was opening Turkey’s borders to Syrian refugees fleeing into Europe. Read More.
Don't look now but facial recognition arrests are coming
A person in the United Kingdom reportedly is the first to be arrested using real-time facial recognition on the streets – a sign that the technology is becoming a viable law enforcement tool. Read More.
1,000 deaths and 6 months later, Obama declared H1N1 emergency
Six months and 1,000 deaths after it was detected in the U.S. in 2009, President Barack Obama declared H1N1 a public health emergency Read More.

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