September 20, 2024


Perspective: Is coronavirus a sign from an exasperated God?
Is the coronavirus a sign of an angered God finally losing patience with humanity as in the Old Testament of the Bible when Divine injunctions fell on deaf ears? Read More.
'Massive exodus': Bernie backers won't back Biden
The party is almost over for the legion of Bernie Sanders supporters known as the Bernie Bros. Read More.
Missing in Beijing: 'The cannon' mocked 'clown' Xi Jinping
A real estate tycoon who publicly criticized Chinese Communist Party (CCP) leadership over the government's handling of the Wuhan coronavirus has reportedly gone missing. Read More.
The coronavirus option: Illinois mayor uses crisis to gain new powers
In signing an executive order declaring a citywide state of emergency to address the coronavirus, the mayor of Champaign, Illinois also gave herself the power to ban the sale of firearms. Read More.
MIT biologist slams 'fear mongering' by 'deep state'
An MIT scientist and researcher on the human immune system said the U.S. major media and the "deep state" are doing the world a disservice by exaggerating the impact of the coronavirus. Read More.
1,657 Chinese tried to enter U.S. from Mexico in last 6 months
Since October, authorities have apprehended more than 150,000 illegals attempting to cross into the U.S. from Mexico. That number includes more than 1,600 from China, according to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Read More.
Italy parallel: Trump 'saved American lives, ' Gingrich says
President Donald Trump's "decisive actions have bought us time" on the coronavirus outbreak, but "it is important to recognize that we must use that time to think through the health threat in every component and react accordingly," former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said. Read More.
The great toilet paper scare: No known connection to virus
An Alabama toilet paper manufacturer has officially weighed in: America will not run out of toilet paper. Read More.
Major media pounce on comparisons to swine flu in 2009
Pro-Obama corporate media outlets took some time out of their effort to create panic over the coronavirus to attempt to explain why they didn't try to create panic over the swine flu outbreak of 2009. Read More.
McFarland: UK intelligence played key role in collusion probe
A top official in British intelligence intimated that the UK assisted in the Obama administration's investigation into alleged Trump-Russia collusion during the 2016 election, former Trump administration deputy national security adviser K.T. McFarland said. Read More.
FCC wants answers on Schiff's secret subpoenas
In releasing a report which included the phone records of Rep. Devin Nunes, Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani, journalist John Solomon, and others, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff abused his subpoena power, FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr said. Read More.
China's 'disinformation' on virus diverts focus from secret lab
The outrageous claim by China's Foreign Ministry that the U.S. Army sent the coronavirus to China is meant to deflect attention from the fact that the center of Beijing's biological weapons program is based in Wuhan, which has the most cases of the virus, a report said. Read More.
Biden's coronavirus plan gives China a pass; No travel bans
Joe Biden on Thursday unveiled his plan to combat the coronavirus. It does not include a single travel ban on any foreign country or even on Wuhan, the Chinese city where 80,000 infected with the virus reside. Read More.
Canada threatened: 'Brazen' influence ops by China, Russia
"The fundamental building blocks of Canada’s democracy" are being threatened by "clandestine and coercive" efforts, primarily from China and Russia, to influence politicians, students and the media, a parliamentary committee said on Thursday. Read More.
Fall of Avenatti: From cable news superstar to rat-infested cell
Michael Avenatti appeared more than 100 times on CNN and MSNBC in 2018. CNN personality Brian Stelter once beamed that his pal Avenatti could run for president. Now Avenatti is confined to a Manhattan jail cell surrounded by rats. Read More.

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