September 20, 2024


GOP's Buck: 'You want my AR-15, come and take it'
Rep. Ken Buck responded to Joe Biden and Beto O’Rourke’s gun control partnership by signaling they will have to "come and take it” if they want his AR-15. Read More.
ICE defies San Francisco's sanctuary law
Officials in San Francisco were livid after Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents apprehended an illegal immigrant criminal suspect at the sanctuary city's courthouse. Read More.
Citizen journalist, a professor, got Warren’s scalp
For seven years, a Cornell Law School professor maintained a website dedicated to exposing Elizabeth Warren's trouble with the truth, particularly when it came to her claims of Cherokee heritage. Read More.
Robust Trump speaks for many: 'I look at Joe, I don’t know'
In comparison to his Democrat rivals, President Donald Trump is the personification of acuity and vigor. Read More.
174 Dems opposed blocking TSA jobs for sex offenders, terrorists
All House Republicans and 42 Democrats on Thursday voted in favor of an amendment to the Rights for Transportation Security Officers Act that would keep people convicted of sexual assault, terrorism and other violent crimes from working for the Transportation Security Agency (TSA). Read More.
Russia, Russia, Russia: Nunes slams ‘lunatics’ in the media
Rep. Devin Nunes said he has long been one of the most fierce anti-Kremlin hawks in Congress, but the "lunatics in the media" are constantly creating out of whole cloth new ways to "insert" him into the Russia hoax. Read More.
FBI officials under review barred from pursuing wiretaps
Officials from the Department of Justice and FBI who are under review for their role in obtaining wiretaps to spy on Trump campaign associate Carter Page have been banned from having any involvement in the pursuit of electronic monitoring through the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, a judge ruled. Read More.
Coronavirus: China launches major disinformation offensive
China's state-run propaganda outlets are circulating false stories on the coronavirus situation in the United States in order to take the focus away from the origin of the outbreak and criticism of the communist regime's handling of it in China, reports say. Read More.
Latest shot at Trump: Weaponized coronavirus
Most Republicans believe that the corporate media is using the coronavirus "as a tool to get" President Donald Trump, a new Rasmussen Reports found. Read More.
End of a Texas era? First Bush loss in decades
Jimmy Carter was president the last time a Bush family member lost a political race in Texas. Read More.
Hillary: 'I'm most innocent person in America'
In Hulu's new documentary on her life, Hillary Clinton claims she is "the most investigated innocent person in America." Read More.
Supreme Court: States can prosecute illegals who steal IDs
States have the authority to prosecute illegal immigrants who gain employment in the U.S. by stealing the identities of American citizens, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled on Tuesday. Read More.
Cenk Uygur comes unhinged over Super Tuesday losses
The leftist host of a progressive YouTube show that has more than 4.5 million subscribers is livid that the Democratic Party establishment rallied behind Joe Biden and against Bernie Sanders on Super Tuesday. Read More.
Chinese official denied top spot at intellectual property agency
The United State was successful in preventing a Chinese official from being named director-general of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). Read More.
GOP leads in 6 of 7 California districts it lost in 2018
California could turn out to be a major key if Republicans are to re-gain control of the House of Representatives in the 2020 election. Read More.

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