September 21, 2024


Democrats, media, Chinese Communist Party on war footing
'China has long relied on the president’s critics in the U.S. to pick up messaging critical of the White House and push it through the domestic anti-Trump megaphone.' Read More.
Food delivery apps setting records as restrictions take hold
Amid the coronavirus outbreak, food delivery apps are seeing record downloads as state and local governments throughout the United States are restricting in-person dining at restaurants. Read More.
Home invasion gone bad: Disabled woman shoots, kills
A 53-year-old disabled woman shot an intruder to death Saturday afternoon at her home in Houston, according to investigators. Read More.
NSC slams China's disinformation, expelling of journalists
The communist government in Beijing should be focused on stopping the coronavirus rather than spreading false information about the origins of the Wuhan virus while at the same time kicking American journalists out of China, the U.S. National Security Council (NSC) said on Wednesday. Read More.
State Dept. using app to connect with Iranians on coronavirus
The United States is encouraging Iranian citizens to use an encrypted messaging app, which was originally set up to report terror suspects, to detail in real time what is happening with the coronavirus crisis. Read More.
Poll finds Americans, media differ on blame for virus
Because its negligence is largely responsible for the health crisis gripping the United States, China should pay some of the financial costs that have resulted from the spread of the coronavirus, a new poll said. Read More.
Hamm: Russia, Saudis exploit virus in ‘direct attack’ on U.S. oil
Saudi Arabia and Russia are flooding the market with oil in a “direct attack” on U.S. producers, oil tycoon Harold Hamm said. Read More.
'Fear kills the immune system': SEAL Team star slams CNN
In a rare break from his leftist Tinseltown colleagues, SEAL Team star David Boreanaz has slammed CNN for its coverage of the coronavirus pandemic, suggesting that the cable news network is trafficking in fear. Read More.
'We're going big': Americans to get stimulus payments
Amid the coronavirus crisis, the Trump administration said Tuesday it is looking to send direct payments to Americans within two weeks. Read More.
DOJ drops charges against Russians Mueller indicted
The Department of Justice on Monday filed a motion to dismiss charges against two Russian companies which were indicted by special counsel Robert Mueller for allegedly financing a Russian troll farm that sought to interfere in the 2016 presidential election. Read More.
Coronavirus forces changes in EU's open borders policy
The Coronavirus, which started in China late last year in Wuhan has since mushroomed into a full-fledged flu epidemic from the Far East to Western Europe and Middle America. Read More.
Apocalypse in perspective: Trust leaders who earned our trust
Reading the apocalyptic headlines concerning coronavirus, one feels like we are staring into the abyss. Read More.
DOJ 'lost' Flynn records? President suggests 'Full Pardon’
Following reports which stated the FBI and Department of Justice had "lost" records related to the case of Michael Flynn, President Donald Trump said he was considering a "full pardon" of his former national security adviser. Read More.
Biden on illegals: Coronavirus, crime? Not a problem
Joe Biden has vowed that, in the first 100 days of his presidency, he would not deport any criminal illegal immigrants. Read More.
High maintenance: Hunter Biden vs all Trump children
The cost to U.S. taxpayers to protect Hunter Biden on his overseas trips was four times more than the Secret Service detail for all of President Donald Trump's children, combined, a report said. Read More.

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