September 20, 2024


Pillsbury on China's collusion: 'They want Joe Biden'
'In recent days, the Chinese have placed a new bet. They want Joe Biden to become president.' Read More.
Damning research backs Trump on 'China Wuhan Virus'
Well before President Trump ever referred to the “Chinese Wuhan Virus,” or the new coronavirus spread across American cities, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) was already “weaponizing wokeness” in the West over anything it perceived as critical of China’s role in mishandling the epidemic. Read More.
Larry the Cable Guy lampoons 'clueless' celebrities
Wonder Woman star Gal Gadot posted a viral video which features a group of wealthy, privileged celebrities self-quarantined in their lavish homes singing John Lennon’s “Imagine”. Read More.
Timeline of President Trump’s response to coronavirus
The White House on March 19 released a list of the actions President Donald Trump has taken since the beginning of the coronavirus outbreak. Read More.
DNC and top law firm defend dossier, fight Carter Page lawsuit
The Democratic National Committee (DNC) is seeking to dismiss a defamation lawsuit filed against it by 2016 Trump campaign associate Carter Page, claiming that the "gist" of accusations in the narrative against Page made in ex-British spy Christopher Steele's unverified dossier were true. Read More.
Poll finds majority support for Trump's response to virus
Americans are giving President Trump high marks for his response and leadership during the Wuhan coronavirus crisis, a new poll found. Read More.
Initial WHO report linked coronavirus to Wuhan, China
The World Health Organization (WHO) first reported on the spread of a previously-unknown virus on Dec. 31, 2019. The virus was linked to a number of pneumonia cases in Wuhan, a city in Eastern China. Read More.
Schiff fights to dismiss lawsuit over 'abusive subpoenas' of phone records
Rep. Adam Schiff and the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence which he chairs have asked the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia to dismiss a lawsuit against them for the controversial impeachment-related subpoenas for phone records. Read More.
Statement by WHO may have triggered media, mass panic
Those who fault the president’s response to the virus "would be a lot more credible had they not spent the past three years blaming him for everything imaginable. Read More.
Coronavirus fatalities in Italy had other serious health issues
A study by Italy's national health authority found that more than 99 percent of the country's coronavirus fatalities were people who suffered from previous medical conditions. Read More.
Border states with Canada have highest coronavirus rate
Millions of noncitizens were allowed to enter the United States via its northern border with Canada before Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau issued a national lockdown over the coronavirus outbreak. Read More.
Foreign correspondent comes home to a nation shut down
The mere idea of the nation’s capital more or less shutting down would have been beyond imagination if anybody had talked about it seriously two months ago. Read More.
Limbaugh: If a Democrat were pesident there would be no panic
There is not yet any evidence that the push back against the coronavirus panic is working, Rush Limbaugh said. And, it's a panic that, with a compliant media, would not likely be happening with a Democrat in power, the radio host added. Read More.
Virologist: Leaders must 'first and foremost calm people down'
People are being whipped into an "unnecessary panic" and the world's leaders need to calm their citizens amid the coronavirus pandemic, a top Israeli virologist said. Read More.
Columnist: CDC is Deep State, not immune to the Swamp virus
Amid the coronavirus outbreak, Americans are finding out that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) was "infected by the same Obama-corruption virus" as the FBI and Department of Justice, a columnist wrote. Read More.

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