October 17, 2024


Rand Paul: Subpoena 'whistleblower' and Hunter Biden
The name of the Trump-Ukraine whistleblower is known and now the media must do its job and report it, Sen. Rand Paul said on Nov. 4. Read More.
Impeachment? 'Out here in real America we’re seething'
The Associated Press on Nov. 4 ran a lengthy Democratic Party infomercial masked as a news analysis on what conservative commentators are calling the ongoing coup against President Donald Trump. Read More.
Obit for terrorist al-Baghdadi sparks outrage, satire
The Washington Post made worldwide news and was lampooned at home for an online obituary which framed Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of the brutal Islamic State (ISIS) terrorist organization, as an “austere religious scholar.” Read More.
What's with Drudge? Bought or focused like a laser?
“What happened to Matt Drudge?” Gateway Pundit founder Jim Hoft asked that in a recent blog post after news from leftist and anti-Trump sources began being featured prominently on the Drudge Report. Read More.
Miller hits corruption scandal: 'That's on Joe Biden'
During a softball interview with ABC News which aired on Oct. 15, Hunter Biden insisted he “did nothing wrong at all,” but conceded he displayed “poor judgment.” He also promised to stay clear of foreign deals if his father wins the presidency. Read More.
Media no longer go to source for political news
More than half of America has lost trust in the media to provide straight and accurate news about politics, a new survey found. Read More.
With Oct. 4 Op-Ed, NY Times declares war on 1st Amendment
Leftists in politics, the media and on college campuses have become increasingly conflicted on the issue of free speech since the landmark free speech movement at UC Berkeley in 1964. Read More.
Levin goes white hot over Trump transcript
Radio and television host Mark Levin clashed with a Fox News host over the media's coverage of President Donald Trump’s phone call with Ukraine’s president and the entire “whistleblower” fiasco. Read More.
Mainstream media a hit only with Democrats
Just 13 percent of Americans say they have “a great deal” of confidence in what radio, TV, newspapers, and news websites are reporting, according to a new Gallup survey. Read More.
How the Fourth Estate Illuminati silences the right
The adversarial relationship between the president and the Fourth Estate has not dissipated since Donald J. Trump was sworn in on Jan. 20, 2017. Read More.
White House spells out Washington Post bias
In its reporting on the accomplishments of President Donald Trump from Memorial Day to Labor Day, The Washington Post characterized Trump’s performance as the “lost summer.” Read More.
Overheard at NY Times: Editor sets post-collusion narrative
Now that the Trump-Russia collusion hoax has died a natural death, dominant establishment media titan The New York Times has decided to pivot to a new obsession. Executive Editor Dean Baquet has told staffers that the paper will shift its newsroom focus from finding President Trump’s Russian agent ID badge to exposing every facet of life in America today as a symptom or result of systemic racism. Read More.

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