Welcome to Washington Expose, the only program in America that prefers our sleeper cells to include a fluffy blankie. The madness in Afghanistan is taking its toll on the American People and now that the United States is literally scooping up scores of free-range refugees and delivering them to places like OUR NATION’S FREAKIN CAPITAL, today’s show reveals what you can expect to arrive in your neighborhood soon. How is it possible for our government to have vetted everyone? Will we see the consequences of Biden’s malfeasance beginning to move into our communities? This isn’t about prejudice of Middle Eastern people and their cultures, we reveal the terrorist’s sleeper cells that are about to hit Main Street, USA. Wilson, Ward, and Clews then expose how far Biden has dwindled physically and mentally and uses the President’s most recent press conference as enough evidence to relieve him of his command, or lack thereof. Viewers of today’s program are strongly encouraged to remember that loose lips sink ships.
Welcome to Washington Expose, the only program in America that would not have worn a watch. On today’s show, we go first to Biden’s horrible, just horrible, antics at Dover Air Force Base as he met the flag-draped coffins of the American service members whose lives were snuffed out by the stupidity of their leadership. We reveal the one thing that Biden did during that solemn occasion that nobody, we mean nobody should ever do. What we must tell you may seem small but may well deliver a final blow to a presidency worse than Carter’s and Grant’s combined.
Listen nowWelcome to Washington Expose, the only program in America that would not have worn a watch. On today’s show, we go first to Biden’s horrible, just horrible, antics at Dover Air Force Base as he met the flag-draped coffins of the American service members whose lives were snuffed out by the stupidity of their leadership. We reveal the one thing that Biden did during that solemn occasion that nobody, we mean nobody should ever do. What we must tell you may seem small but may well deliver a final blow to a presidency worse than Carter’s and Grant’s combined. To make it all worse, how Biden treats the families of the fallen is just downright sick. Then, to the north and the downfall of Fidel Castro’s son Justin Trudeau, we break down how his leadership fell apart and just how long he has left. In fact, we pinpoint the day that he will depart Ottawa for good. These stories and a lot more to come – listeners of today’s show are strongly encouraged to send a Castro Cap to his Prime Ministerness Justin Trudeau at 80 Wellington Street, Ottawa, ON K1A0A2.
Listen nowWelcome to Washington Expose, the only program in America that knows when to hold ‘em, knows when to fold them and knows when to airlift their people out. Just some of the stories we cover today include the disturbing news that broke over the weekend and the Biden Administration’s continued bungling of the evacs of Americans from Afghanistan have tripled in stupidity. We go deep into that stupidity today as we expose who pulled the trigger on the disastrous drone strike that killed 10 civilians in Kabul, including several small children, family members.
Listen nowWelcome to Washington Expose, the only program in America that knows ISIS-K is Kellogg’s least-popular breakfast cereal. In a stunning example of presidential two-stepping, President Joe now admits it was possible that he gave a list of Americans to the Taliban – and we answer several hard-to-swallow questions; Is this Administration so naive to do something so stupid? Is Biden pushing responsibility onto the military? More importantly, what happens to those Americans on the list once the final American troops skedaddle.
Listen nowWelcome to Washington Expose, the only program in America that proudly isn't on Cuomo’s clemency list. Put your seatbelts on folks and take your heart medication because what we have to tell you about how vote harvesting is being fueled by nefarious sources is going to blow your stack. Who is behind the harvesting? What is the end game for them? How long has this been going on?
Listen nowWelcome to Washington Expose, the only show in America that gives new meaning to friendly fire. Today’s hot topic is the struggle Queen Pelosi is having to get her nine-zillion dollar infrastructure bill passed due to nine very serious and rational democrats who have turned their backs against her. Not only do we reveal who those Dems are but, we go name by name and discuss exactly why they don’t want the bill. What we tell you will leave you speechless.
Listen nowWelcome to Washington Expose, the only program in America that knows how to pull out with style. On today’s show, we dig into Biden’s Afghan pullout plan and how his advisory team can no longer live up to the massive contradictions coming from the White House. We look at the media coverage of President Biden over the weekend and how even they are starting to smell blood in the water.
Listen nowWelcome to Washington Expose, the only program in America that sees the other shoe dropping. Today, we ask and answer the tough questions about Biden’s competency – you’ll be vomitus once you hear how Biden’s Moron Meter has hit full tilt. Does the economy cause Biden’s other shoe to drop? Will his final withdraw from Talibanistan, formally Afghanistan, cost American civilian lives? Does the goddess Dr. Jill step in once more to protect her husband from the public?
Listen nowWelcome to Washington Expose, the only program in America that avoids the Susan brand of Rice. Today, we hit head-on what is behind the Afghan mess and how Susan Rice is parroting her Kenyan friend Barry. How as the Obama Doctrine inched its way back into the front seat of American politics? Who really gave the orders to the Central Bank to cut all ties in Afghanistan that lead to total collapse? Obama? Clinton? We explore the very likely possibility that it was Biden himself, earning him a one-way ticket to the funny farm where he belongs.
Listen nowWelcome to Washington Expose, the only program in Afghanistan. Today, we go for the financial jugular vein and answer the question of whether the Central Bank hastened the total takeover of Afghanistan by withdrawing its support. Did the Biden Administration fall for their trap? What role have China and Russia played in the whole debacle? We don’t stop there…
Listen nowWelcome to Washington Expose, the only program in America that stunned the Taliban refuses to a certain demographic to prominent positions in Afghanistan. In what can only be the final nail in Biden’s coffin, the first thing out of his mouth after the Taliban’s horrendous takeover of Afghanistan is to recommend that they adhere to western-style diversity ideologies while people are literally trying to escape by hanging by their bloody fingertips on the tails of US Air Force C-130s. Once your jaw drops hearing Biden’s “suggestions” to the Taliban, you’ll be even more surprised to learn of the cascading support to invoke the 25th Amendment by some of the least likely of media and political figures. How long will Biden last?
Listen nowWelcome to Washington Expose, the only program in America that stunned the Taliban refuses to a certain demographic to prominent positions in Afghanistan. In what can only be the final nail in Biden’s coffin, the first thing out of his mouth after the Taliban’s horrendous takeover of Afghanistan is to recommend that they adhere to western-style diversity ideologies while people are literally trying to escape by hanging by their bloody fingertips on the tails of US Air Force C-130s. Once your jaw drops hearing Biden’s “suggestions” to the Taliban, you’ll be even more surprised to learn of the cascading support to invoke the 25th Amendment by some of the least likely of media and political figures. How long will Biden last?
Listen nowWelcome to one of the saddest days for The Washington Expose Show, the only program in America that is crying for the 2,448 American troops who died in Afghanistan. We unravel the truth behind this ugly turn of events in Afghanistan by the Biden Administration – how did it come about so fast? Why did it turn into complete chaos so quickly? Is this a sign that JoeJoe the Talking Sock Puppet’s time is nearing an end in the White House?
Listen nowWelcome to Washington Expose, the only program in America that just spotted a Kentucky rat. On today's show, you’ll be blown away at what the Senate tried to do at 3:30 AM last night while you were tucked snug as a bug sleeping. Even worse is who was behind it and who did nothing to stop it. Luckily, when we reveal the one savior of the Senate, you’ll bless God for Texas.
Listen nowWelcome to Washington Expose, the only show in America that encourages Loudon County, Virginia to just succeed. On today’s show, we hit hard the 19 republican traitors in the Senate who voted for Biden’s zillion-dollar infrastructure bill – who they are, who they are led by, and how much it will really cost the American people.
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