September 19, 2024


If 2010s was the decade of big government — what about 2020s?
The last decade has been about growing the size of government and encroaching on the freedoms and liberties of more than 300 million Americans. Read More.
U.S. strike takes out Iran’s strategic mastermind
Qasem Soleimani, one of Iran’s top military commanders who U.S. officials say was responsible for the killing of hundreds of American service members and wounding of thousands more, was killed in a Jan. 2 airstrike ordered by U.S. President Donald Trump. Read More.
Free ride? Obama family’s travel receipts: $105.66 million
Government travel expenses for President Barack Obama and his family totaled $105,662,975, according to records obtained from the Secret Service by a government watchdog group. Read More.
Private investigators claim FBI investigating Hunter Biden
A private investigation firm said it has “lawfully” obtained documents which show Hunter Biden’s involvement in a $156 million “counterfeiting scheme,” Fox News reported on Dec. 30. Read More.
NSC right-sized after ‘coup attempt’ by Obama holdovers
The Trump administration is significantly downsizing the White House National Security Council not only to improve efficiency but, analysts say, to rid the NSC of Obama-era holdovers suspected of leaking President Donald Trump’s conversations with foreign leaders. Read More.
Bureau of Land Management exits swamp; Left outraged
Leftist environmentalists and other so-called progressive groups who are outraged over the Trump administration's decision to move the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) out of Washington, D.C. are now demanding that the agency’s director step down. Read More.
U.S. struck pro-Iran forces; Japan sends warships to Gulf
The United States will continue to confront Iran and its proxies for its attacks on American forces in the Middle East, Trump administration officials warned. Read More.
Political horse race: The 2020 battle begins
It’s now officially election year and all eyes are on the battle for the White House as President Trump maintains a healthy lead over his potential opponents for the top spot. Read More.
Pro-Iran leader of U.S. embassy raid met Obama at White House
Several pro-Iranian faction leaders were among those leading the attack on the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad on Dec. 31. Read More.
'I like peace': But U.S. puts Iran, North Korea on notice
Iran will pay a heavy price for its role in the attack on the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad, Iraq, President Donald Trump said on Dec. 31. Later in the day, the president said that price will not likely include war with Iran. Read More.
Biased? NBC's Chuck Todd reveals belief system
Media personality Chuck Todd’s contempt for President Donald Trump and his supporters has been well established. During Sunday’s broadcast of Meet the Press, Todd threw in a "twist of anti-Christian bigotry" for good measure. Read More.
Korean conservatives resort to YouTube, tune out media
Distrust in the mainstream media is not limited to the U.S. but is said to be more intense in South Korea which lacks conservative alternative media and is facing what earlier would have seemed impossible: the threat of a left-wing dictatorship. Read More.
Media silence as rape survivor from Iraq wins Peace Prize
News that Yazidi sex slave survivor Nadia Murad was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for her efforts to end the use of sexual violence as a weapon of war barely registered on the American media radar screen. Read More.
Cut the crap: New year's advice for miserable progressives
Without further ado, here is the New Year’s resolution you should, as a progressive, make: Resolve to chill out. Read More.
Flashback: Biden, Brown refused to accept Vietnamese refugees
In 1975, leftist Dems went to great lengths to keep Vietnamese refugees (even orphans) out of the United States. Read More.

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