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  • Source: FreePressers
  • 04/01/2020
FPI / April 1, 2020

Evangelist Franklin Graham blasted House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for saying the President Donald Trump amid the coronavirus crisis is “fiddling while people are dying.”

Graham said in a Facebook post on Monday: "CNN reported that Nancy Pelosi accused President Donald J. Trump of 'fiddling while people are dying.' What??? Yesterday President Trump had more than a full day, meeting at the White House with key supply chain distribution leaders on COVID-19. Is that fiddling? Then he moved to the Rose Garden where he and the coronavirus task force held a 1.5 hour briefing to keep America informed. Is that fiddling?

"No, President Trump has been working to do everything he can to help our nation. I wonder what Nancy Pelosi was doing? It could be said that she was the one who caused delays in people getting the help they need because she was 'fiddling' with the economic stimulus package, trying to work in political agendas and funding for pet projects. Pray for President Trump, Vice President Mike Pence, and all of the governors and mayors who are leading their states and cities as they face many very long days and tough decisions. They need God’s help and wisdom. Also pray for the medical professionals in the front lines of this battle day in and day out."

On Sunday, Pelosi had appeared on CNN’s “State of the Union” with host Jake Tapper, where she snapped, “What the president — his denial at the beginning was deadly. His delaying of getting equipment to where — it continues — his delay in getting equipment to where it’s needed is deadly.”

Pelosi added: “And, again, I hope that those who advise him, the scientists who advise him, will get him on the right track, so that he is making decisions that are in favor of ending this deadly pandemic, rather than test whether he can quarantine a state or not, as he had to reverse himself again yesterday. Don’t fiddle while people die, Mr. President.”

Trump reacted to Pelosi's charge in an interview Monday with "Fox & Friends."

"It’s a sad thing. Look, she’s a sick puppy, in my opinion," he said. "She’s got a lot of problems. That’s a horrible thing to say."

Graham offered a request: "Pray for President Trump, Vice President Mike Pence, and all of the governors and mayors who are leading their states and cities as they face many very long days and tough decisions. They need God’s help and wisdom. Also pray for the medical professionals in the front lines of this battle day in and day out."

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