September 18, 2024


Christmas 2019: Enjoy it lefties; You're going to hate 2020s
For millions of Americans, Dec. 25, 2019, will be their last chance to have a truly merry Christmas for many years. Why? Because the millions in question are leftists, and 2020 promises so many bitter disappointments. Read More.
GREATEST HITS: Benghazi documents confirm Clinton email cover-up
Judicial Watch on Oct. 21 released new Clinton emails from 2012 on the Benghazi controversy that had been covered up for years and would have exposed Hillary Clinton’s email account if they had been released when the State Department first uncovered them in 2014. Read More.
IG confirmed multiple FBI informants in Trump campaign
Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s recent report revealed that multiple FBI informants were spying on President Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign and that none of them came up with any kind of incriminating evidence. Read More.
GREATEST HITS, 2019: China bought tech firm with Biden ties
The Senate Finance Committee has announced it will investigate the Obama administration's approval in 2015 of the sale to China of a former U.S. firm which develops dual-use technologies with military applications. Read More.
Trump signs funding bill, axes Obamacare taxes
In signing government funding legislation on Friday, President Donald Trump repealed $373 billion in Obamacare taxes. Read More.
Pompeo: Chinese people long to be free of CCP
The Chinese people are yearning for freedom from the Chinese Communist Party which controls all aspects of their lives, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said. Read More.
Leftist media falsely framed Ukraine aid freeze
Following the court-ordered release of heavily redacted emails concerning the temporary hold of U.S. financial aid to Ukraine, press bias against President Trump was on full display. Read More.
Mystery professor tied to genesis of Russian investigation, believed dead
Joseph Mifsud, the Maltese professor and major figure in the origins of the Trump-Russia hoax, is believed to be dead, according to an Italian media report. Read More.
Schiff has no regrets about falsely accusing Carter Page
Rep. Adam Schiff says he has no sympathy for Page and no regrets for writing a memo defending the FBI’s abusive tactics. Read More.
GREATEST HITS, 2019: Biden’s other issues: Ukraine, China, son
Joe Biden aces major corruption issues involving China, Ukraine and his son Hunter, analysts say. Read More.
China blocked lived Dem debate when Xinjiang came up
On Dec. 19, Democrats themselves got a taste of what government censorship of political speech looks like when China’s censors cut the live feed of the Democratic Party presidential debate. Read More.
Before Christian missionaries reached Korea, China was there
Chinese influence over Korea, North and South, remains if anything more hotly debated today than it was when foreign observers, visiting Korea and China more than a century ago, noted the many similarities and differences. Read More.
Ex-CIA chief Brennan is reportedly under investigation by Durham
As part of his investigation into the origins of the Trump-Russia “collusion” hoax, U.S. Attorney John Durham is seeking the emails, call logs and other communications of ex-CIA chief John Brennan, The New York Times reported on Dec. 19. Read More.
Hong Kong demonstrators note silence of the U.S. Left
While conservatives such as U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio are championing pro-democracy activists in Hong Kong, American leftists have mostly remained silent as communist China brutally cracks down on Hong Kong demonstrators. Read More.
GREATEST HITS, 2019: Israeli strikes in Syria, humble Russia, China
A successful Israeli air strike against Iran's military facilities inside Syria has resulted in China and Russia blaming each other for the humiliatingly embarrassing air defense failure. Read More.

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