September 18, 2024


These companies helping Obama Foundation ‘transform’ America
He is no longer president, but Barack Obama, the Great Divider who vowed to "fundamentally transform" America in 2009, is carrying on his commitment to radical social change through his Obama Foundation. Read More.
Unreported: 1,500 pedophile arrests in Trump's first year
President Donald Trump is making good on his pledge to use the “full force and weight” of the U.S. government to break up child sex trafficking rings and lock up sexual predators. Read More.
China incursions anger Japan ahead of Xi's state visit to Tokyo
China’s practice of sending its vessels near the Japan-controlled Senkaku islands continued in the days prior to Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's visit to China this week and could raise tensions ahead of Chinese supreme leader Xi Jinping’s state visit to Japan next year, analysts say. Read More.
The impeachment of President Trump is a familiar story
The holiday respite from all the Democratic machinations and maneuvers to disgrace and bring dishonor to the 45th president of the United States has been brief. Now that the House of Representatives has drawn up two articles of impeachment against Donald J. Trump, many had hoped all the unpleasant vengefulness would have subsided. But this may be nothing more than a Christmas wish gone with the wind. Read More.
Virginia taxpayers to be charged for new gun-control laws
Virginia’s budget bill being pushed by Gov. Ralph Northam includes an appropriation to carry out several new gun-control measures, the lobbying arm of the NRA noted. Read More.
Report: Khamenei personally ordered bloody crackdown
Iranian supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei personally directed the violent crackdown on anti-government protests which, some estimates say, resulted in more than 1,500 deaths, a report said. Read More.
GREATEST HITS, 2019: Canceled junket spotlights pricey Pelosi
In canceling House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s planned junket to Brussels and Afghanistan last week, President Donald Trump also saved U.S. taxpayers quite the bundle. Read More.
Russia, Iran, China set joint naval drills
China, Iran, and Russia will hold joint naval drills, amid tensions between Teheran and Washington. Read More.
Dems' best: Elderly careerists, strikingly immature radicals
The 2019 circus portion of the Democratic presidential primary contest has starkly highlighted a major flaw that may handicap the party for another decade or more. Read More.
Analysis: Levin on what to do about Pelosi’s 'brazen' act
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is holding articles of impeachment from the Senate because once she submits them, she and her cohorts know the game is over for Democrats and their ultimate partisan challenge to the winner of the 2016 presidential election, analysts say. Read More.
GREATEST HITS, 2019: Melania demanded removal of 'idol gods'
First Lady Melania Trump insisted the White House be spiritually cleansed before she would move in, according to an evangelical pastor. Read More.
4.5 million anchor babies: 26 Red State seats gifted to Democrats
Research by the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) has found that, due to immigration, about 26 congressional seats will be redistributed from mostly red states to blue states. Read More.
GREATEST HITS, 2019: Russia collusion? Hunters now hunted
When thousands of once-sealed government documents in the Russia collusion hoax are released in unredacted form, “those who eagerly assumed the role of the hunters may become the hunted, due to their own zealous violation of the nation’s trust and its laws,” columnist Victor Davis Hanson said. Read More.
President Trump says he’s ready for Kim’s ‘Christmas gift’
Earlier this month, North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un promised to deliver a “Christmas gift” unless the United States abides by the end-of-the-year deadline set by the North for the U.S. to soften its stance on stalled talks on denuclearization. Read More.
'For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour . . .'
2:1 And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be taxed. Read More.

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