September 20, 2024


China rebuffs U.S. help: 'Don't know what their motives are'
U.S. President Donald Trump’s top economic adviser suggested that China is not being “honest with us” about its handling of the Wuhan coronavirus. Read More.
Open season on deplorables? Controversial film sets release
Universal Pictures has announced it has set a firm release date of March 13 for The Hunt, a horror-thriller in which entitled rich people hunt so-called “deplorables” for sport. Read More.
Soros group hires Obama officials, targets Hungary and Poland
Another influential group aiming to spread the radical global agenda of leftist billionaire George Soros has popped up in the United States. Read More.
Is election interference by DNC again targeting Sanders?
Hacked Democratic National Committee (DNC) emails confirmed that the party rigged the 2016 primary against socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders. Is the fix in again in 2020? Read More.
Report: $6.5 billion in foreign cash subsidized U.S. universities
Harvard and Yale over the past four years have failed to disclose some $375 million in gifts and contracts from China and Saudi Arabia, the U.S. Department of Education said on Wednesday. Read More.
Democrat bill requires vasectomies for Alabama men
A Democrat state representative in Alabama has introduced a bill which would make it mandatory for all men in Alabama over age 50 and all men in the state with three children to get vasectomies. Read More.
Swamp logic: Why Roger Stone is a big deal all of a sudden
Investigators, prosecutors and assorted other deep staters for three years invested heavily in the Russia investigation only to have one of their own, Robert Mueller, shoot it down, analysts say. Read More.
Democrats kill 'Born Alive Child' act in Colorado
A bill introduced in Colorado’s legislature which would require doctors to treat infants born alive after a botched abortion was defeated by Democrats, a report said. Read More.
Who killed Seth Rich? Judicial Watch sues FBI for records
Judicial Watch announced it filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the FBI for all records related to murdered Democratic National Committee (DNC) Voter Expansion Data Director Seth Rich. Read More.
That didn't take long: Impeachment back on the table
Exactly one week after President Donald Trump was acquitted in the Senate, House Democrats and their corporate media allies introduced a new act in their never-ending impeachment circus. Read More.
'Bad news for Hong Kong': Communist Party tightens grip
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is purging officials from its ranks as the political fallout from the communist government’s handling of the Wuhan coronavirus crisis escalated on Thursday amid a huge increase in the number of reported deaths and infections. Read More.
'Pathetic'? Bloomberg reveals 'fatal political weakness'
Mike Bloomberg’s campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination, funded by the billionaire’s own enormous personal fortune, has barely gotten off the ground. But he has already “exposed fatal political weakness,” a columnist noted. Read More.
Philippines set to end U.S. defense pact in bow to China
The Philippines announced Tuesday that it would end a security agreement with the United States that has been in place since 1999. Read More.
Where did those campaign donations go anyway?
Following their disappointing performances in the Iowa Caucus and New Hampshire Primary, entrepreneur Andrew Yang and Senator Michael Bennet (D-CO) announced the end of their campaigns. Read More.
Samsung heiress backed Academy Award winner 'Parasite'
In all the outpouring of high praise for the Korean blockbuster Parasite after its dazzling success at the Academy Awards ceremony in Hollywood, one noteworthy side of the production was largely ignored. Read More.

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