September 20, 2024


Media floats quid-pro-quo Trump rumor about Julian Assange
Several major media outlets ran with an unsubstantiated rumor which claimed a California Republican congressman had acted on orders from President Donald Trump to offer WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange a pardon in exchange for Assange saying Russia was not involved in the 2016 DNC emails leak. Read More.
White House targets Moscow's lifeline to Venezuela
Ostracized and considered illegitimate by the United States and most of Latin America and Europe, Venezuela's Maduro regime has had one constant supporter — Russia. Read More.
Warren laps the field: Green New Deal doesn’t 'go far enough'
Sen. Elizabeth Warren says the $93 trillion Green New Deal does not “go far enough” in addressing what she says is the biggest problem facing the world today, climate change. Read More.
Chinese offer Solomon Islands a loan 70 times larger than its GDP
A Chinese businessman has floated a $100 billion loan offer to the tiny Pacific island nation of Solomon Islands, a report said. Read More.
Report: PM upholds Brexit voters, sets standards for immigrants
Post-Brexit Great Britain plans to close its borders to those who can’t speak English and to unskilled workers, reports say. Read More.
Gallup Poll backs Trump , not Obama, on economy
Barack Obama’s claim that his Recovery Act “paved the way” for the current economic boom is just the “latest con job” from the former president, President Donald Trump said. Read More.
Who gets foreign aid? Offshore accounts, World Bank admits
A new report said that about a sixth of all foreign aid intended for the world's poorest nations has flowed into bank accounts in tax havens owned by corrupt elites. Read More.
Radio's Levin levels anti-Trump senator who met Iran's Zarif
Sen. Chris Murphy on Tuesday confirmed reports that he met secretly with Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif in Munich during a security conference last week. Read More.
President Trump pardon list catches Left off guard
Leftist celebrity Chelsea Handler got a quick dose of reality after she attempted to paint President Donald Trump as a racist in relation to his recent slew of pardons. Read More.
Blue cities making state secessionists see red
As leftist policies in blue states increasingly creep from Democratic-controlled major cities to the suburban and rural areas they call home, large numbers of conservatives are joining secessionist movements, a report said. Read More.
Roger Stone gets jail time; President charges unequal justice
Roger Stone on Thursday was sentenced to more than three years in prison. Read More.
Trump visit aims to deepen U.S.-India strategic ties vs China
U.S. President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump make their first official visit to India next week. The president is using the occasion to "strengthen the United States-India strategic partnership," according to a White House statement. Read More.
Conservatives under attack on publicly-funded campuses
The liberal elite of American academia have no tolerance for true diversity of thought. Read More.
How dare he? U.S. sets record in reducing carbon emissions
A report last week noted that the United States on President Donald Trump’s watch leads the world in reducing carbon emissions. Read More.
'Just the facts, ma'am': How real is media storm at DOJ?
Democrats and their leftist media allies had a "stop-the-presses" moment Tuesday when reports surfaced that Attorney General William Barr was fed up with President Donald Trump's tweets and was ready to quit. Read More.

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