September 20, 2024


Rosenstein's world: Emails reveal ties with top Obama officials, media
Judicial Watch announced it received 382 pages of documents showing former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein’s communications with former Obama officials, including Eric Holder, and information sharing with the media in the days immediately surrounding the inception of the Mueller investigation. Read More.
After targeting guns, Virginia takes on electoral college
Having already used their newly gained power to launch assaults on the First and Second Amendments, the Democratic majority in Virginia now has its sights set on helping to essentially eliminate the Electoral College. Read More.
How's Bloomberg's golf game? Trump tweets about 'Mini' Mike
While he is spending big in his quest for the Democratic presidential nomination, “big” is definitely not a word to describe Mike Bloomberg’s golf game, President Donald Trump says. Read More.
Chernobyl fungi that eats radiation tested in space station
A black fungus which feeds on radiation was first found at Russia’s Chernobyl nuclear facility in 1991, five years after the nuclear reactor exploded. But scientists have now discovered the fungi’s unique properties could help protect humans from radiation, reports say. Read More.
The Rush Limbaugh-Orson Bean-Andrew Breitbart connection
Returning to his broadcast on Tuesday after receiving treatment for lung cancer, radio host Rush Limbaugh discussed the legacy of the late actor Orson Bean and his son-in-law, the late Andrew Breitbart. Read More.
Gallup poll shock: Voters ‘better off’ in record results
A significantly higher number of Americans say they are “better off” under the Trump presidency than they were during the years his four predecessors were up for re-election, a new poll found. Read More.
Japan has stepped up as China threatened regional dominance
By establishing a muscular national security posture, Japan has emerged as a key geopolitical partner with the U.S. to contain China. Read More.
Children of Obama: Why Democrats are facing disaster
As another Democratic debate melted into campaign sloganeering and content-deprived repetition of staid stump talking points in Manchester, NH, on Feb. 7, one began to ponder how much all of this was a reflection of the most recent Dem White House occupant and his highly personal redemption-arc brand of politics. Read More.
State of the Union? Pelosi's 'mumbling' was distraction
During last week’s State of the Union address, President Donald Trump said he was driven to distraction by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s persistent “mumbling.” Read More.
Parasites: China's 'brazen' data heist hit half of America
U.S. Attorney General William Barr on Monday announced the indictment of four members of China's military on charges of hacking into the credit reporting agency Equifax. Read More.
Giuliani will present Ukraine evidence to DOJ, Barr confirms
Attorney General William Barr has validated reports that the Department of Justice is taking information on Ukraine from Rudy Giuliani. Read More.
Coronavirus? Supeme Leader Xi most worried by 'Almighy God'
The communist government in China has branded Christianity and Catholicism as “criminal cults” and labeled the Bible a “book of cults,” say Christians who have fled what they describe as the Xi Jinping regime’s brutal persecution of people of faith. Read More.
Virginia students told not to fly 'offensive' U.S. flag from trucks
A high school administrator in Virginia reportedly told students not to fly the U.S. flag from their vehicles when they drove to school because it was potentially “offensive” and “disruptive.” Read More.
Pompeo warns failed Iran test advances missile program
Iran’s Zafar satellite failed to enter orbit on Sunday and crashed in a rural area in the country’s southeast. It was the fourth failed satellite launch in a year for Iran. Read More.
NY Democrats line up to primary 'no show' AOC
Former CNBC anchor Michelle Caruso-Cabrera on Monday filed to run for Congress in New York’s 14th district. Read More.

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