September 20, 2024


Israeli scientists to have coronavirus vaccine in ‘weeks’
Israeli scientists will have the first vaccine against the novel coronavirus in a matter of weeks, Israeli Science and Technology Minister Ofir Akunis said. Read More.
China seen Ieveraging expanded nuclear forces against U.S.
China is intent on doubling the size of its nuclear arsenal by the end of this decade, U.S. military officials say. Read More.
Superdelegates poised to derail the Bernie train?
A group of Democratic superdelegates told The New York Times that they would be willing to sacrifice party unity in order to stop Bernie Sanders from getting the party’s presidential nomination. Read More.
Trump may force illegals to pay for deportation appeals
The Trump administration is considering a new regulation in which illegal immigrants who are ordered deported by a federal immigration judge would be forced to pay for their appeals to those decisions. Read More.
Ukraine probing Biden’s role in firing of prosecutor
An investigation is underway into allegations that Joe Biden threatened to withhold U.S. funding to Ukraine if the nation’s leaders did not fire their top prosecutor, Ukraine’s State Bureau of Investigations has confirmed. Read More.
Carter Page: DOJ-FBI should pay for lives ruined by Russia probe
Former Trump campaign associate Carter Page said some sort of “reparations” are in order “for all of the lives that have been ruined” by the Department of Justice and FBI as a result of the Trump-Russia hoax. Read More.
Remember when Dems said no one was coming for your guns?
California continues to proudly lead the charge toward a disarmed citizenry. Read More.
AG Barr slams 'consolidated' corporate media
Attorney General William Barr on Wednesday slammed a “monolithic” corporate media whose staff “see themselves less as objective reporters of the facts, and more as agents of change.” Read More.
Reddit ousts moderators of top pro-Trump community
Reddit has purged several moderators from the largest pro-Trump community on the site, reports say. Read More.
South Koreans slam Moon's handling of coronavirus
Over 1 million South Korean citizens have now signed a petition calling for Moon’s impeachment for his handling of the coronavirus outbreak. Read More.
Nikki Haley on capitalism vs socialism
As the Democrats' embrace with socialism becomes passionate, former U.S. Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley is urging Republicans to take a page out of Margaret Thatcher’s book. Read More.
Death of a whistleblower: Investigation urged
A former U.S. government intelligence analyst and investigator is calling on the Department of Justice to investigate the death of former Department of Homeland Security (DHS) official Philip Haney. Read More.
Warren's coronavirus plan would cost Trump his wall
As cheap, political stunts go, Massachusettes Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s latest one may surpass all others. Read More.
Green New Deal huge 'threat to jobs, prosperity'
The Green New Deal championed by socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and most of the 2020 Democratic presidential hopefuls would impose around $75,000 in average costs for households in key battleground states, according to a new study. Read More.
‘Obama’: Trump on who authorized 2016 spying
At a re-election campaign rally in Phoenix on Feb. 19, President Donald Trump referred to top brass at the FBI who engaged in spying on his 2016 campaign as “dirty cops” and “dishonest slimeballs.” Read More.

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