July 27, 2024


How sharp is 'basement Joe'? People are talking
Joe Biden is not only living up to his reputation as the "Lamborghini of Gaffes," he also is providing evidence that he is not mentally equipped to handle the work of America's President. Read More.
Did two populist African leaders really die of covid?
Coronavirus allegations have clouded the deaths of at least two prominent African leaders. Read More.
Census data used in attack on 2020 election, Lindell says
"Absolute Interference: Fact . . . Foreign Adversaries Hacked America’s Election", is a film by Mike Lindell which focuses on new evidence for the controversial claim made in the final third of Lindell’s earlier documentary, "Absolute Proof", that cyber-attacks coming from China and other countries flipped the 2020 election for Joe Biden. Read More.
Biden giving illegals renewable amnesty, Social Security cards
In a "clandestine operation," thousands of immigrants who illegally cross the U.S. southern border are being given one-year renewable permits to stay in the United States as they apply for asylum, a report said. Read More.
‘Wheels coming off the rickety anti-Trump coalition’
The members of the coordinated anti-Trump coalition that drove the 45th President from office are now "turning on themselves" ... "and they are ruining the country," a Canadian financier and newspaper publisher said. Read More.
Vaccine totalitarianism: 'Medical fascism' must be stopped
Liberal elites are slowly pushing America toward totalitarianism. And Covid-19 “vaccine passports” represent a giant step in that dark direction. Read More.
China expanding buildup at ‘alarming rate’: U.S. admiral
The United States needs to strengthen its forces to counter China’s rapid military buildup and also must put deterrence forces in place to prevent the communists from moving against Taiwan, the admiral nominated to be the next head of U.S. Indo-Pacific Command said. Read More.
Candace Owens explains Left's 'bigotry of low expectations'
On his Monday broadcast, Fox News host Tucker Carlson wondered why Democrats seem to believe that minorities don't have photo IDs. Read More.
Democrats: Big Tech not censoring conservatives enough
Big Tech companies are not censoring conservatives nearly as much as they should be, Democrats on the House Energy and Commerce Committee said. Read More.
Lin Wood goes to war with S. Carolina GOP leadership
Attorney Lin Wood, with the backing of former national security adviser Michael Flynn and attorney Sidney Powell, has announced he will launch a challenge to become leader of the South Carolina Republican Party. Read More.
Hillary Clinton gets a pass from the Supreme Court
The Supreme Court on Monday denied a bid by Judicial Watch to have Hillary Clinton testify under oath about her emails and Benghazi attack documents. Read More.
Ex-CDC chief: Coronavirus 'escaped' from Wuhan lab
Robert Redfield, former director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said he believes the coronavirus originated from a Chinese laboratory. Read More.
Michael Flynn relatives sue CNN for defamation
Two of Michael Flynn's family members who said they were defamed by a CNN report which alleged they are affiliated with QAnon have sued the cable network for $75 million. Read More.
DHS advisory panel purge mirrors earlier one at Pentagon
Nearly all members of what is supposed to be an independent advisory panel focusing on national security have been fired by Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. Read More.
Waltz explains Florida’s success to befuddled CNN ideologue
A CNN "news" personality got a quick dose of reality after she read from the leftist script on how awful a place Florida must be under Republican leadership. Read More.

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