July 26, 2024


Team Biden's border: 18,000 kids in cages
Team Biden is holding seven times more migrant children at the U.S. southern border than the Trump administration did, according to data from the federal government. Read More.
Hunter’s laptop admission reveals intel community bias
Hunter Biden’s admission that a laptop filled with details of Biden family shady foreign business deals “certainly” could be genuine not only buries the Left's Russia disinformation narrative, but underscores what conservatives say is the U.S. intelligence community’s "overall bias in favor" of Democrats and Joe Biden, a report said. Read More.
Arkansas legislature: No more mask mandates — ever
While lawmakers in Arkansas moved to permanently ban the governor from ever imposing another mask mandate, Alaska's Republican governor told Joe Biden exactly what he can do with his federal mask mandate. Read More.
Susan Rice put in charge of expanding mail-in voting
An executive order signed by Joe Biden last month tasks Susan Rice with directing hundreds of federal agencies and departments to find ways to expand mail-in voting. Read More.
Raffensperger won't release paper ballots for audit
Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger has filed a legal brief seeking to prevent a comprehensive audit of Fulton County's 2020 election ballots, reports say. Read More.
Coca-Cola: As American as communist repression
Atlanta-based Coca-Cola lost no time in teaming up with Delta – and Major League Baseball – in lining up for the big-brand corporate assault on a U.S. state’s sovereignty. Read More.
AOC ranks 230th in effectiveness among Democrats
A study found that Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez introduced 21 bills defined as “substantive” in the last Congress, but her legislation got no action in committees, no floor votes, and none became law. Read More.
MLB boycotts Georgia while expanding ties to communists
One day prior to moving its All-Star game out of Georgia because of its objections to the voter integrity law, Major League Baseball expanded its contract with a Chinese telecommunications firm which has significant ties to the brutal Communist Party. Read More.
YouTube removes millions of 'dislikes' from Biden videos
The propagandists at YouTube have removed millions of "dislikes" from Biden's White House videos, a report said. Read More.
Arizona launches audit of Maricopa ballots
A team of independent auditors has been hired by the Arizona Senate leadership to conduct a "comprehensive, full forensic audit of the 2020 election in Maricopa County." Read More.
Help wanted: Leadership against the oligarchy
Needed: Leaders willing to step forward and guide a national effort "to discredit and stop the oligarchy’s growing totalitarianism," an analysis said. Read More.
Lindell, Byrne see Trump returning to White House
Both MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell and former Overstock.com CEO Patrick Byrne have said that the whole story about what happened in the 2020 presidential election will be revealed soon and that truth may lead to Donald Trump returning to the White House. Read More.
Trump slams Biden's 'ludicrous' infrastructure plan
Former President Donald Trump said Team Biden's “radical” infrastructure proposal is built on “ludicrous” tax hikes that would end up sending U.S. business elsewhere — including to China. Read More.
California curriculum: Early Christians guilty of ‘theocide’
A new curriculum approved for California’s K–12 public schools instructs that white Christian settlers committed “theocide” against indigenous American tribes and teaches children to participate in a pagan chant, a report said. Read More.
Team Biden quietly resumes aid to Palestinians
The Biden administration has notified Congress, without a public announcement, that it will give $75 million to the Palestinian Authority for economic support, allegedly to be used in part to regain the PA's “trust and goodwill” after Trump-era cuts. Read More.

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