October 18, 2024


Trump’s exit sparked war on Israel backed by Iran, Turkey
The future of Western influence in the Middle East is being played out amid “the pivotal new war against Israel," an analysis said. Read More.
Oregonians’ bid to exit leftist state picks up steam
The drive by rural Oregonians to abandon urbanite progressive-dominated Oregon and help construct a Greater Idaho went five-for-five at the ballot box on May 18. Read More.
After covid drug therapies, India cases 'plummeted'
After India was slammed by the latest outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, the nation saw a sharp drop in cases after its national health ministry promoted two drug therapies pointedly suppressed in the United States: hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin. Read More.
China using Muslim slave labor to produce solar panels
The communist government in China is using forced labor from Uyghur Muslims to produce a key component used in the production of solar panels, British researchers reported. Read More.
Did Texas GOP sacrifice kids to transgender lobby?
Earlier this month, Texas Republicans were unable to pass HB 1399, legislation that would prohibit doctors from performing surgical and chemical procedures intended to disfigure a child’s biological sex. Read More.
Employers requiring vaccines may be liable for 'any adverse reaction'
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) indicated that employers who require employees to receive experimental Covid vaccines may be held liable for any adverse reactions employees may have to the vaccines. Read More.
Dr. Fauci is on the grill over origins of Covid
Under questioning from Sen. Rand Paul on May 11, Dr. Anthony Fauci repeatedly and adamantly denied that he and his National Institutes of Health (NIH) either funded or supported gain-of-function activities at the Wuhan lab which increasingly appears to be where Covid originated. Read More.
Huge increase in fentanyl crossing Texas border
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott said that Team Biden's open border policies are allowing cartels to easily move drugs into the United States, including massive amounts of fentanyl, a synthetic opioid that is 80-100 times stronger than morphine. Read More.
The Big Tech-Pharma axis: Medical establishment power surge
There are five major companies that make up the Big Tech label. ALL have intimate ties with Big Pharma. Isn't that something? Read More.
Supreme Court rejects warrantless seizure of firearms
In a unanimous ruling on Monday, the Supreme Court sided with a Rhode Island man who had two guns confiscated from his home by police who did not have a warrant. Read More.
Timeline of the ‘great reset,’ 2014 to 2021
Since planting the first seed for the so-called "great reset" at the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland in 2014, leftist elites were clamoring for a global crisis to latch onto. Read More.
Police allowed Jan. 6 protesters inside Capitol
A newly obtained video shows United States Capitol Police officers instructing several Jan. 6 protesters inside the Capitol about how to peacefully demonstrate there. The group included Jacob Chansley, the so-called “Q shaman” who has been in jail awaiting trial since January. Read More.
Deleted Arizona database may have been recovered
On May 12, the Maricopa Arizona Audit reported that Maricopa County had deleted a directory of election databases from the 2020 election cycle days before the election equipment was delivered to the audit in Phoenix. Read More.
Left angered by surge of charter schools
The relative success of charter schools is one unreported metric on public acceptance of the Democrat-backed teachers unions. Read More.
Windham, NH audit cameras mysteriously go dark
Live stream cameras that had been broadcasting the forensic examination of the 2020 election results in Windham, New Hampshire went offline for nearly 90 minutes on Wednesday, potentially obscuring any problematic intervention, a report said. Read More.

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