July 26, 2024


Up to 50 percent of illegals have covid, sheriffs say
As many as half of the illegal immigrants flooding the U.S. southern border are testing positive for the coronavirus, the National Sheriffs Association said. Read More.
Russia threatens ban if Twitter doesn't remove child porn
Russia is giving Twitter 30 days to remove illegal content, including child pornography, or be banned from the country. Read More.
Americans face existential threat from own government
Joe Biden poses a mortal threat to America’s national security. His policies are putting U.S. lives in grave danger. Read More.
Producers: 'My Son Hunter', a true crime movie, coming soon
The producers of the movie "My Son Hunter" say their film will address the “crimes of the Biden family.” Read More.
Biden economy: Ford to move $900 million project from Ohio to Mexico
The United Auto Workers (UAW), which endorsed Joe Biden in the 2020 election, is warning that a good number of American jobs are at risk as Ford plans to build a new vehicle in Mexico instead of Ohio. Read More.
DeSantis: No critical race theory in Florida schools
The school curriculum in Florida will "expressly exclude" critical race theory, Gov. Ron DeSantis said. Read More.
Biden's Pentagon to unleash culture war against U.S. allies
On Feb. 4, Joe Biden issued a directive to all U.S. departments and agencies that engage abroad to "undertake a number of actions related to promoting and protecting the human rights of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Intersex (LGBTQI+) persons." Read More.
Washington Post follows leftist media's 'deceitful playbook'
The Washington Post's admitted error about President Donald Trump's Georgia call is another prime example of "the deceitful playbook first invented to undermine Trump and promote Russiagate," independent journalist Glenn Greenwald noted. Read More.
Too late: A win for Donald Trump in Michigan
Michigan's Democrat secretary of state violated state law in the 2020 election when she issued "guidance" on the evaluation of absentee ballots, a judge ruled last week. Read More.
U.S. military convoy of 45 trucks enters Syria from Iraq
A convoy of U.S. military vehicles loaded with logistic materials entered Syria on March 13, according to a March 14 report by Syria's SANA news agency. Read More.
David Hogg forgets to trademark his 'progressive alternative' to MyPillow
You snooze, you lose. Leftist activist David Hogg learned that the hard way this week after reports noted that he failed to trademark the name of his so-called "progressive alternative" to MyPillow. Read More.
China's 'Congress' aims for great high tech leap past U.S.
Amid the theatrical fanfare and political pomp, China’s annual “National People’s Congress” met in Beijing to dutifully endorse the ruling Communist Party’s (CCP) vision for the future. Read More.
Democrats aim to unseat Republican who won by 6 votes
Democrats on the House Administration Committee last week started the process of unseating Iowa Republican Rep. Mariannette Miller-Meeks, who defeated her Democrat opponent, Rita Hart, by six votes in the Nov. 3 election. Read More.
Kim Jong-Un's sister takes off the gloves with Biden
Kim Yo-Jong, a tough-talking top gun in the communist regime and kid sister of North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un is not following the lead of the fawning Washington press corp in dealing with the Biden White House. Read More.
Facebook swung 2020 election, company official says
Facebook's chief of global planning says the company's voter registration drive, which signed up over 4.5 million people, swung the 2020 election to Joe Biden. Read More.

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