July 27, 2024


Biden’s ‘woke’ military recalls MacArthur’s farewell address
Critics say Gen. Douglas MacArthur's "duty, honor, country" is being replaced by the social justice warriors inhabiting Team Biden's Pentagon by "wokeness, identity politics, and intersectionality." Read More.
The strange case of Pro Life Evangelicals for Biden
Rarely do political reversals rise to the level of comedy, especially in 2021. Nevertheless, in a plaintive open letter to Joe Biden and congressional Democrats, Pro Life Evangelicals for Biden delivered in spades. Read More.
Delta Airlines encounters turbulence over 'election integrity'
Delta Airlines is currently being targeted by the ever-seething Left for apparently supporting Georgia’s new election integrity laws. Read More.
4,000 in Europe died after adverse reactions to vaccines
Big Tech and Big Media have all but ignored news that 3,964 people in Europe have died from adverse reactions to covid vaccines. Read More.
Sen. Cruz physically blocked from filming border hell
When Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz began filming what he said are the horrendous conditions migrants are subjected to by Team Biden, a Biden operative jumped in to block the senator’s camera. Read More.
Irregularities found in Missoula, Montana auidit of Nov. ballots
An audit of the Missoula, Montana November vote found that 4,592 out of the 72,491 mail-in ballots lacked envelopes — 6.33 percent of all votes Read More.
The case of Hunter Biden's missing gun
As Joe Biden and his team look for ways to dismantle the Second Amendment and possibly confiscate firearms from Americans, a new report shows a gun problem in Biden's own family. Read More.
GOP: Biden intel agencies target domestic conservatives
The Biden administration has enlisted intelligence agencies that focus on countering foreign terrorism to gather information on American conservatives under the guise of tracking "domestic terrorism," top Republicans say. Read More.
Cancel culture mob targets NCAA Cinderella Oral Roberts
Hemal Jhaveri, editor and columnist at USA Today's For The Win, believes that Oral Roberts should not be allowed to compete in the tournament because of the university's Biblical beliefs. Read More.
China buys more oil from Iran as Biden eases sanctions
Joe Biden’s move to end the Trump administration’s policy of maximum pressure via sanctions on Iran opened the door for China to increase oil imports from the Islamic Republic. Read More.
Top Democrat had Internet IDs for Green Bay election center
Veteran Democratic operative Michael Spitzer-Rubenstein, who was heavily involved in Green Bay, Wisconsin’s November election, was given access to “hidden” identifiers for the Internet network at the hotel convention center where ballots were counted, according to a report by Wisconsin Spotlight. Read More.
Tanzania's Magufuli: Lockdown critic, spurned China loans
Tanzania’s former Populist President John Magufuli’s state funeral commenced on March 22 before throngs of supporters. Read More.
'Actual malice': Judge rules against NY Times in Veritas case
The New York Times "acted with actual malice" and "reckless disregard" when two of its reporters passed off opinions as fact in several articles critical of Project Veritas, a New York Supreme Court judge ruled last week. Read More.
Border agent shares horror stories about Biden facilities
The facilities Team Biden is keeping migrants in at the U.S. southern border are overcrowded, smell of urine and vomit, and are rampant with covid, a Border Patrol agent told The Epoch Times. Read More.
Inconvenient facts about the Boulder shooter
Before many details were known, other than a nearly-naked man being led away by police from the Boulder, Colorado massacre on Monday, the presumption was that the gunman must be a white male Trump supporter. Read More.

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