July 26, 2024


Britain’s prince of steadfastness
A page has turned on the House of Windsor. Prince Philip, the husband of Queen Elizabeth II, has died at 99 just short of his hundredth birthday. Read More.
Big Tech’s ‘magical thinking’ on ‘omni-malevolent’ China
Silicon Valley has either failed to grasp, or is ignoring the fact that China is using American-origin technology to create an unprecedented mass surveillance state, according to high-technology entrepreneur Peter Thiel, a Facebook board member. Read More.
Hawaii rail project costing taxpayers $1 billion per mile
A rail project in Hawaii that was started in the Obama-Biden administration has yet to be completed and is costing U.S. taxpayers $1 billion per mile. Read More.
Clear signs show Fauci is 'father of the pandemic'
Mounting evidence pointing to laboratory origins of the Covid-19 virus in Wuhan, China implicates Dr. Anthony Fauci, said economist Peter Navarro, an assistant to President Donald Trump and early proponent for cutting off travel from China early in the pandemic. Read More.
Levin exposes truth about 'Jim Crow Joe' Biden
Joe Biden continues to get a pass from the corporate media despite his close relationships with segregationists, his racist rhetoric, his cheating in law school, and plagiarism during his presidential campaign, BlazeTV host Mark Levin said. Read More.
Massive, Europe-wide anti-lockdown demonstrations
In recent weeks, large scale anti-lockdown demonstrations have mounted in Austria, Great Britain, Finland, Romania, Switzerland, Poland, France, Bulgaria, Serbia, the Netherlands, and Romania, VOA News reported on April 9. Read More.
Raffensperger took $5 million grant from Zuckerberg
Georgia spent more than $5 million from a group funded by leftist Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg to press voters in the state to apply for ballots online for the 2020 presidential election and 2021 Senate runoffs, a report said. Read More.
Abbott outsources governance to woke corporations
Just over a year and a half until the Texas gubernatorial election and things are heating up in the Lone Star State. But as election talk simmers, enthusiasm for Gov. Greg Abbott remains lukewarm. Read More.
Goons attack presses of The Epoch Times in Hong Kong
The Epoch Times has reported yet another attack on its Hong Kong printing press in what is believed to be the latest attempt by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to silence the news outlet and eliminate freedom of the press. Read More.
Majority in poll believe Team Biden cheated to take power
The Rasmussen Reports poll found that 51 percent thought Joe Biden's path to the White House was paved by fraud. Read More.
CNN director: 'Our focus was to get Trump out of office'
A new undercover video released by Project Veritas shows a CNN director admitting the leftist network engaged in propaganda with the goal of removing President Donald Trump from office. Read More.
Christian Uyghur: 'There is no hope' in China
Mamatili Yakuf, a Christian Uyghur who fled China for the United States describes the situation for Uyghurs in China: “There is no hope for us. There is no hope.” Read More.
New narrative on border via deep-pocketed leftists
A powerful, deep-pocketed leftist foundation allied with an organization tied to the major U.S. television networks is launching a campaign to flip the portrayal of the calamity on our southern border to embrace the Third World invasion of our nation. Read More.
Little-known insights about 2020 voting machines
Pattern recognition specialist Jovan Hutton Pulitzer continues to report on what he has knows and has discovered regarding election fraud and foreign interference in the 2020 election. Read More.
BLM co-founder buys home in swank white community
If you're going to help direct the overthrow of capitalism in a systemically racist society, why not do it in style? Read More.

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