July 27, 2024


Commanders to Biden: Extremism is in your head
Two military leaders made it clear what they think of Team Biden's narrative that "white supremacists" have infiltrated America's fighting forces. Read More.
Editorial: A short list of the 2020-2021 big lies
Larry Ward, CEO of Political Media, Inc., was posted the following short list of big lies on Parler. Read More.
Georgia next? Navarro cites 600,000 illegal ballots
As a comprehensive audit of Maricopa County's 2020 ballots continues in Arizona, former White House trade adviser Peter Navarro suggested Georgia may well be next in line for an audit. Read More.
White racism causes climate change, AOC explains
In an Earth Day Eve address aimed at re-launching her contentious Green New Deal, AOC said: “The climate crisis is a crisis born of injustice, and it is a crisis born of the pursuit of profit at any and all human and ecological cost. Read More.
Biden: Doctors must perform transgender surgeries
The Biden administration on Tuesday filed an appeal seeking to force doctors and hospitals to perform transgender-related procedures and surgeries even if they object to the procedures, a report said. Read More.
Postal Service secretly tracking Americans' social media
The U.S. Postal Service is covertly tracking what it alleges are “inflammatory” social media posts made by Americans. Read More.
Arizona audit continues after Democrat lawsuit
The comprehensive recount of Maricopa County's 2020 election ballots is continuing despite a lawsuit by Democrats attempting to block it. Read More.
Allies finally signal need to militarily support Taiwan
American allies are beginning to consider how they would militarily support the United States in the event it must respond to a Chinese invasion of Taiwan. This after decades of encouragement which has recently become more urgent. Read More.
The Left eradicates a great nation’s underpinnings
All of the "centuries-old reasons to be confident in American strength and resiliency have now been put into doubt" by mad-with-power leftists intent on eroding "the inherited and acquired strengths that made us singular, both materially and spiritually," columnist and historian Victor Davis Hanson noted. Read More.
Biden set to push race-based Marxism on schools
Team Biden’s Department of Education intends to impose the most radical forms of Critical Race Theory on America’s schools, including the 1619 Project and the so-called anti-racism of Ibram X. Kendi, a report said. Read More.
A September 11 Afghan pullout: Should we celebrate?
Is the Biden administration tone deaf? September 11th? We are out of Afghanistan by the very day global terrorists celebrate as the date they attacked America? That sinister date signals the 20th anniversary of the terrorist attacks and is not the time to send this message. Read More.
Benefits of caving to election narrative: Book deals
While those who backed President Donald Trump's fight for election integrity are finding it difficult to get published (or even a job in some cases), those who caved to the leftist narrative are being rewarded. Read More.
CCP threatens free markets that powered its rise
Communist China is intent on controlling the world economy and is exploiting access to the capitalist economic system to achieve that goal, two former Trump administration China experts warned at a congressional commission on April 15. Read More.
Democrats, media rush to politicize Chauvin verdict
Team Biden celebrated the jury verdict and the Democrat political-media establishment seized on Derek Chauvin’s murder conviction Tuesday as proof that America is “systemically racist.” Read More.
Study: Masks don't stop Covid transmission
A peer-reviewed study from Stanford University states that face masks are ineffective in preventing the spread of Covid-19 and their use can even be harmful to the wearers' health. Read More.

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