July 26, 2024


Gates continued to meet Epstein despite wife’s concerns
Bill Gates continued to meet with convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein after wife Melinda Gates raised concerns over their meeting in 2013, reports say. Read More.
2020 Census: 4 million fewer voters than official tally
Census data show that nearly four million more ballots were counted in the 2020 presidential election official count than were self-reported by voters on the 2020 Census. Read More.
China, Fauci roles in pandemic’s origins can't be ignored
As evidence builds that the Chinese Institute of Virology in Wuhan is the most likely source of Covid-19, officials and scientists are even investigating if an Anthony Fauci-funded experiment is responsible for the pandemic that has caused immeasurable pain and suffering throughout the world for the past 15 months. Read More.
Gingrich: 'No question' battleground states stolen
Stop the presses: A Republican brought up election fraud on what is about the only Fox News program that dares touch the subject. Read More.
Michigan voting machines: Nationwide significance
Multiple developments in the election fraud case in the small Michigan county of Antrim this week hold significance for investigations into nation-wide election fraud in the 2020 presidential race. Read More.
Azerbaijani president confronts BBC reporter
Scenes from a BBC interview that occurred last November with Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev now are going viral. In a testy exchange with BBC correspondent Orla Guerin, Aliyev confronted the leftist reporter with something she did not expect. Read More.
‘Your papers please’: Vaccine passports
“Your papers Please,” has long been the customary greeting for people crossing borders, visiting many foreign countries, or sometimes even moving about cities under Covid “lockdown.” Read More.
Cartels using Facebook to smuggle illegals into U.S.
The violent cartels which control much of Mexico are using Facebook to coordinate logistics for smuggling illegal immigrants into the United States, Florida Republican Rep. Kat Cammack said. Read More.
Beijing’s woke propaganda war in America
Propaganda is older than the medieval printing press, and every communications innovation increases the propagandists’ reach. Westerners most often think of propaganda coming from its two ardent twentieth-century practitioners: the German Nazis and the Soviet communists. Read More.
Canceled police are fighting back, with lawsuits
As cities throughout the U.S. were being burned and looted last summer, Hopewell Township, New Jersey police Officer Sara Erwin commented on Black Lives Matter in a Facebook post: “They are terrorists. They hate me. They hate my uniform. They don’t care if I die.” Read More.
Journalists as tools of the ruling class: 'This isn't the first time'
In our constitutional republic, the importance of a free and honest press and informed citizenry can’t be overstated. Read More.
Media believe 4,178 reports of deaths after Covid vaccine are lies
The Covid narrative obedience brigade was out in full force following reports that thousands of Americans may have died after receiving Covid vaccines. Read More.
Rogan: Twitter blocking posts on life-saving ivermectin
Joe Rogan, who hosts the most popular podcast on Spotify, reported that Twitter is blocking direct messages referencing the drug ivermectin. Read More.
China exploiting gains Obama failed to answer
China’s ongoing maritime activities are part of an effort by the communist regime of supreme leader Xi Jinping to control the region near its coasts by “winning without fighting,” an analyst said. Read More.
Virus tyranny at the White House, CNN
The Biden administration is praising social media goliaths for helping to suppress “damaging” COVID-19 information and a CNN host is promoting the social ostracization of people who refuse to get the jab. Read More.

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