FPI / November 3, 2021
Dr. Peter McCullough, the world’s most frequently-cited authority on early COVID-19 treatment, recently explained findings presented to the Food and Drug Administration on Oct. 17 that showed alarming patterns in the rates of deaths from the COVID-19 vaccines versus the virus itself.
One of the studies was first published in the medical journal Elsevier Toxicology Reports. It asserts that even among those most likely to benefit from taking the vaccine, those aged 65 and older, “there are five times the numbers of deaths attributable to each inoculation versus those attributable to COVID-19” itself.
The study is controversial because it estimates actual COVID-19 deaths in the U.S. as 35,000 or less. The authors, Ronald Kostoff, et al., did so based on the facts that most elderly who died had an average of four comorbidities that may have been responsible, the high prevalence of false positives in 2020, and the fact that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported those who died after testing positive for COVID-19 as COVID-19 deaths.
Less controversial, however, are the high number of deaths associated with the COVID-19 vaccines that the report highlights. The analysis showed that seniors were both more likely to die from the vaccine and from SARS-Cov-2 than other groups. However, the risk ratio increased as the ages of those taking the vaccine was lowered. The younger the age group, the greater the risk posed by the vaccination versus remaining unvaccinated.
The authors, therefore, called for an end to the vaccine program.
In an interview with Michael Welch of Global Research, Dr. McCullough explained the findings of the report:
“Less than 1% of people at any given time ever get exposed to COVID. So it’s 100% deterministic that if you take the vaccine you take the risks associated with it, and it’s less than 1% one will run into COVID” and its risks.
Because of the CDC data, the risks of death due to the vaccine are “very calculable,” McCullough said, citing two independent studies of the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). “We know that 50 percent of deaths due to the vaccine occur within two days, 80 percent within a week. They found that in 86 percent of the cases there was no other explanation” than the vaccine.
Even across age groups, the data showed “that there is a higher risk of dying with the vaccine than taking your chances of running into Covid and then dying of Covid,” and that by age group the risk is “more dramatic for the young.”
Ironically, what the Elsevier’s analysis does not calculate, according to McCullough, is the risk of the vaccine when compared against the impact of low risk and highly effective treatments such as monoclonal antibodies and oral therapeutics such as ivermectin and the hydroxychloroquine-azythromycin-zinc combination.
Additionally, McCullough said, with the Delta variant we know that the 94.6 percent vaccine efficacy reported by the drug manufacturers in their trials no longer applies. With the Delta variant, vaccine imparted resistance has fallen somewhere around 40 percent or lower.
“We have data now through the first week of August from the Center for Medicaid and Medicare Services, showing that... over 60 percent of seniors over the age of 65 in the hospital with Covid have been vaccinated,” McCullough said.
“So when we put all these data together, we have clear cut evidence that the vaccines are failing wholesale,” he added. “It swings the analysis to far favoring taking one’s risk with the natural infection and forgoing the vaccine.”
For lack of proper oversight and accountability, the number of deaths from the vaccine that should never have risen even as high as 200 is now over 15,000.
“The FDA and CDC are sponsors of the program. So they in no way have any right or any role of making a comment regarding causality and death, because they are sponsoring the program. So they have an inherent bias,” McCullough said.
“In clinical trials, we would never have the sponsor tell us whether the product caused death or not, because they are biased. They’ve been told to execute this program. So we must have an external group of individuals called a ‘critical event committee,’ then a responsible body called a ‘data safety monitoring board’ to make the call. These groups should have been in place from the very beginning. If we would have had them in place, I think the vaccine program would have been stopped in February for excess mortality. At that time we had 182 deaths. We were thinking 150 deaths max and the program was going to be at the limit of tolerability. But we certainly wouldn’t have let that number rise all the way to 15,000.”
McCullough emphasized that the death data has been vetted and confirmed.
Dr. McCullough has over 51 peer reviewed publications on COVID-19 and has testified before the U.S. Senate and multiple state senates.
Free Press International