July 26, 2024


D'Souza on Giuliani raid: Time to abolish the FBI
The FBI said the justification for its agents storming Rudy Giuliani's Manhattan apartment last week was the former Trump lawyer's alleged violation of the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA). Read More.
No apologies or rescinded Pulitzers for wrong stories
In the news business, the use of "sources" as a vehicle for introducing key information into a story plays a big role in earning print space or air time for hot news. Political stories, especially those which favor the "woke" position and the cancel culture attitude, frequently rely upon "anonymous sources" to tie questionable political conduct to decision makers whom they oppose. Read More.
80 percent in poll see border situation as ‘crisis'
Team Biden continues to insist there is no crisis at the U.S. southern border. Joe Biden even went so far in an interview with NBC News last week as to claim that his team has “gotten control” of the situation. Read More.
GOP overrides Kansas governor's election reform veto
The Republican-controlled state legislature in Kansas has successfully enacted one of the most sweeping election integrity laws in the nation, lowered the age for concealed carry, and cut income taxes after overriding Democrat Gov. Laura Kelly's vetoes of those measures. Read More.
Election fraud 'game changer' in Michigan: Lindell
A lawsuit in Michigan's Antrim County has the potential to be an election fraud "game changer," MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell said. Read More.
Chairman Xi plans to control global Internet
At the direction of supreme leader Xi Jinping, the communist government in China developed plans to assume control of the global Internet, a report said. Read More.
Paxton: Texas stopped Georgia-style ballot fraud
Democrats were intent on stealing Texas much in the way they did Georgia, and may have pulled it off had it not been for the Republican-led Texas state government filing, and winning, lawsuits to stop them, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton said in a Fox News interview on May 2. Read More.
NBA commissioner: Sports can ‘transform’ society
Did you know that NBA Commissioner Adam Silver sits on the Board of Trustees of the arch-globalist >Rockefeller Foundation? Read More.
Facial recognition used against Jan. 6 protesters
Facial recognition is used extensively by communist China to imprison ethnic and religious minorities, but such Orwellian nightmares couldn't happen here in the United States, right? Wrong. Read More.
Flood of migrants includes MS-13 gang members
Border officials have estimated that approximately 1,000 illegal immigrants are getting past overwhelmed agents every day. Read More.
Giuliani: FBI spied on calls with Trump in 2019
The FBI covertly spied on the Apple iCloud account of Rudy Giuliani in late 2019 when the former New York City mayor was representing President Donald Trump during House impeachment proceedings, Giuliani said. Read More.
Teachers' union heavily influenced CDC schools policy
Team Biden was following orders from a powerful teachers' union instead of "following the science" when it came to reopening America's schools amid the Covid pandemic, newly-released documents show. Read More.
Biden seems to equate patriotic holidays with terrorists
Since the leftists who comprise Team Biden seem to view "patriots" as "domestic terrorists," it is not surprising that the government based in a militarized Washington, D.C. would seek to cancel two uniquely patriotic events. Read More.
2024 bid would follow 2022 midterms, Trump says
Former President Donald Trump said if he decides to run in the 2024 election he would enter the race for the GOP nomination and pick a running mate "right after" the 2022 midterms. Read More.
China expanding nuclear arsenal faster than expected
Communist China is rapidly building up its arsenal of nuclear weapons and is on pace to double its stockpile of nuclear warheads by 2030, the director of the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) said on Thursday. Read More.

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