July 26, 2024


Widow of Steve Jobs is 'Soros' of left-wing media: Book
The revelation that Laurene Powell Jobs is the largely unknown mogul of left-wing news media is the most significant finding in the new book "Breaking the News: Exposing the Establishment Media’s Hidden Deals and Secret Corruption", the book's author said. Read More.
Biden cut ‘detainers’ for immigrant criminals by 75%
On the same day that mounted Border Patrol agents captured 32 illegal aliens decked out in camouflage clothing near the Arizona-New Mexico state line, an Arizona state official warned that U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials are targeting 75 percent fewer criminal illegals after having their hands tied by Biden administration policies. Read More.
In video, police wave protesters into Capitol on Jan. 6
Video broadcast by NewsmaxTV on Thursday showed police removing barricades and waving protesters into the Capitol on Jan. 6. Read More.
Georgia judge allows forensic audit of Fulton County ballots
A judge in Henry County, Georgia has allowed plaintiffs in a 2020 election lawsuit to have access to Fulton County's mail-in ballots. Read More.
Voices at UN turn up the heat on China
Though Beijing is usually able to control or stifle the narrative inside the United Nations and many of its Committees, the oxygen of free speech on the taboo topic of human rights of China’s Muslim minority was able to seep through and be heard. Read More.
Georgia: Vernon Jones calls for 2020 election audit
Former Democrat Vernon Jones, who is challenging Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp in the 2022 Republican primary, on Wednesday called for an "immediate forensic audit of the 2020 Georgia election." Read More.
Closer look reveals the real insurrectionists
On May 19, 35 Republicans (see list below) voted in favor of the Democrats' partisan commission to "investigate" the events of Jan. 6 at the U.S. Capitol. Read More.
Border: What Democrats, Mexico and CCP have in common
According to the Democrat-media narrative, racist conservatives want to stifle a human tide from the South yearning for a better life. Read More.
Ex-FBI chief lobbied Hunter, donated to Joe's grandkids
Once again, Thursday, Americans had to read the British press to learn about the cozy relationship between a former FBI Director and the man who is now president of the United States. Read More.
Dominion 'coding error' in 2021 Pa. primary
Elections officials in Luzerne County, Pennsylvania said a "coding error" with Dominion Voting Systems machines was to blame for issues in this week's primary election. Read More.
China in 2020 defeated U.S. in 'biological war': Professor
The communist government in China put America "back in its place" in 2020 by winning a biological war, a professor with close ties to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) said in a video that recently appeared online. Read More.
Arizona auditor says he recovered delted files
The founder of a computer forensics company which is working on the Maricopa County audit, told Arizona state senators that he recovered all 2020 election data that had reportedly been deleted. Read More.
Trump’s exit sparked war on Israel backed by Iran, Turkey
The future of Western influence in the Middle East is being played out amid “the pivotal new war against Israel," an analysis said. Read More.
Oregonians’ bid to exit leftist state picks up steam
The drive by rural Oregonians to abandon urbanite progressive-dominated Oregon and help construct a Greater Idaho went five-for-five at the ballot box on May 18. Read More.
After covid drug therapies, India cases 'plummeted'
After India was slammed by the latest outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, the nation saw a sharp drop in cases after its national health ministry promoted two drug therapies pointedly suppressed in the United States: hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin. Read More.

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