July 26, 2024


IRS ordered to reveal if it investigated Clinton Foundation
Citing a "gap" in its records, a U.S. Tax Court judge has ordered the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to reveal whether it criminally investigated the Clinton Foundation. Read More.
Reversing MAGA brings back inflation, gas lines
“I remember 17 percent inflation and long (gas) lines and Israel being in trouble in the Carter years, and we don’t want to go back to the Carter years,” Iowa Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley said on Wednesday. Read More.
Google helped the FBI zero in on Jan. 6 protester
“The FBI knows that Jacob Travis Clark of Colorado was inside the prohibited environs of the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6 exactly from 2:15 p.m., the riot’s approximate start time, to 3:25 p.m.,” Rowan Scarborough reported May 12. “The snitch: Google technology.” Read More.
Detroit boast: Zuckerbucks 'created a new normal'
The City of Detroit, one of the epicenters of 2020 election fraud allegations, is boasting that it was able to create a "new normal" in running elections last year thanks to more than $7 million in Zuckerbucks. Read More.
Biden lays down vaccine ultimatum to America
So much for "get your shot and have a donut." Carrots alone only take social conditioners so far. Eventually, the Big Stick has to come out. Read More.
Democrats' push for one-party rule derailed
Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia told ABC News on Wednesday that he won't support election reform legislation in its current form. Read More.
Radical leftist heads Pentagon’s purge of ‘extremists’
The Pentagon has appointed an anti-Trump leftist who supports Critical Race Theory to head up its purge of alleged "extremists" from the U.S. military. Read More.
CCP warns Australia not to back U.S. in Taiwan War
Hu Xijin is the editor-in-chief of the Global Times but has also become perhaps the most important mouthpiece of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Read More.
Maricopa witness: No IT staff access to voting machines
Witness testimony from a state legislature hearing on November 30, 2020 may explain why Maricopa County officials did not have the passwords or access to the Dominion machines. Read More.
Flag officers sound alarm over U.S. 'Marxist' takeover
In an open letter, more than 120 retired generals and admirals warned that congressional Democrats and Team Biden are conducting a "hard left turn toward Socialism and a Marxist form of tyrannical government." Read More.
China rebuilding strategically located Pacific airstrip
China’s ongoing military expansion continues to seek out valuable real estate around the world. The Asian communist superpower is planning to refurbish an old World War II airstrip on a remote island located in the very heart of the South Pacific, providing an ideal site for operations targeted at Australia or Hawaii. Read More.
Virginia GOP nominee has cash ties to Soros, Clintons
The deep-seated problem of belonging to a Republican Party still tightly aligned with the Washington power establishment for an America First grassroots base that doesn’t want to see Democrats win elections is on theater marquee display in Virginia. Read More.
Researchers: Ivermectin effective for every possible Covid application
Researchers in a study just published in the American Journal of Therapeutics announce, “Ivermectin should be globally and systematically deployed in the prevention and treatment of Covid-19.” Read More.
Good life for woman at heart of PP baby-harvesting scandal
Did the shocking 2015 Planned Parenthood baby parts-selling scandal destroy this monstrously evil industry that utilizes human beings as nothing more than material? Not remotely. Read More.
NIAID funded experiments using aborted fetuses
A government agency, which has been headed by Dr. Anthony Fauci for decades, purchased aborted babies for use in experiments where fetal scalps were grafted onto living mice and rats, a report said. Read More.

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