July 26, 2024


Devastating U.S. intelligence failure on Covid origins
Trump administration intelligence officials and independent media, including WorldTribune, have long been reporting on the strong likelihood the coronavirus originated in a Wuhan lab. Read More.
Cuomo using taxpayers' money for his legal defense
Andrew Cuomo's legal bills are mounting as the New York governor, who is up for re-election next year, attempts to fight off a federal investigation into his handling of Covid-19 data in nursing homes. Read More.
Parliamentarian derails Senate Democrats' plans
Senate Democrats intent on pushing their leftist agenda without Republican support suffered a major setback Wednesday when the Senate parliamentarian set new limits on how many times Democrats can use the budget reconciliation process. Read More.
Alarm goes off at warehouse holding Fulton County ballots
A security alarm went off over the weekend at the Georgia warehouse that is housing 147,000 Fulton County absentee ballots from the 2020 election. Read More.
'The Godfather' of gain-of-function: The Fauci emails
In February 2020, as the coronavirus was spreading from China across the world, Dr. Anthony Fauci had already begun to craft a narrative to divert attention from "gain-of-function" research that his agency funded and the Wuhan lab which may have created and released the virus, emails obtained under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) by The Washington Post and Buzzfeed News show. Read More.
China hegemony and a ‘clear signal’ in Anchorage
Ritual denials by Chinese Communist Party (CCP) leaders that they do not seek “hegemony,” or the power to impose their choices globally, regionally or on individual countries, is the surest indicator that they do indeed seek hegemony. Read More.
Obama alum: 'Fundamentally transform' U.S. attitudes
Former President Barack Obama on June 1 told The Times that Joe Biden is “essentially finishing the job" began by the man who vowed to “fundamentally transform” this nation. Read More.
Closer look at Facebook's stealth censorship
Facebook is under fire for reversing its policy on censoring posts relating to the origins of Covid-19. But does anyone expect this entity, more powerful than nations, to be held to account? Read More.
‘1-6ers’ in D.C. jail treated like 2001 terrorists
The "1-6ers", or suspects who were detained in connection to the breach of the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, are held in closet-sized cells in solitary confinement for 23 to 24 hours a day and allegedly assaulted and degraded by D.C. jail guards, a report said. Read More.
Next? Pennsylvania legislators in Arizona to observe audit
Pennsylvania sent a delegation of legislators to Phoenix on Wednesday for a behind-the-scenes tour of the ongoing audit of Maricopa County's 2020 election ballots. Read More.
Texas Guardsman challenges DoD indoctrination
A farmer and officer in the Texas State Guard is taking a stand against what he called the chain of command's indoctrination of the Guard "with themes of cultural Marxism and critical race theory." His experience provides clues as to what other U.S. military forces may have been subjected in the early weeks of the Biden Administration. Read More.
Florida bans trans athletes from female sports
Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis on Tuesday signed legislation into law which bans transgender athletes from competing in girls' and women's sports in public middle schools, high schools, and colleges. Read More.
Teacher critical of Loudoun trans policy suspended
An elementary school teacher refused to affirm a controversial policy on “transgender identity” last week, following his Christian faith and evidence from a “60 Minutes” investigative report about significant psychological harms that can accompany gender transition. Read More.
Unanimous high court shoots down immigration case
Justice Neil Gorsuch on Tuesday slammed the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit for its practice of taking immigrants at their word on asylum claims. Read More.
Vaccine cabal's assault on the American mind
The CDC manipulates test results and death data to consistently maximize the COVID death count and minimize the vaccine death count. Read More.

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