February 10, 2025


What the final Arizona Audit report revealed
If the shrinking audiences of the corporate mainstream media, including Fox News, caught the scant reports, the audit of Maricopa County's 2020 election ballots only served to reaffirm Joe Biden's alleged victory in Arizona and "debunked" claims of a stolen election, if that's possible. Read More.
Trump on AZ: 'Enough fraudulent votes' to change the outcome
As information from the Arizona audit was being leaked, President Donald Trump released a statement saying that "enough fraudulent votes" had been found in the audit to change the outcome of the 2020 election in the state. Read More.
Report: 23,000 voters in Wisc. county had same phone number
A voter integrity group in Wisconsin is demanding state elections officials explain how 23,203 individuals in Racine County registered to vote using the same phone number. Read More.
Attorney: State legislature can decertify national election
According to information leaked prior to the full release of the state Senate's audit of Marciopa County's 2020 election ballots, the number of illegal ballots found in Maricopa County (more than 55,000) is more than four times the reported amount separating President Donald Trump and Joe Biden in Arizona. Read More.
Video reveals Jan. 6 narrative 'was a lie, intentional distortion'
Newly released video from inside the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6 destroys Democrats’ narrative of an “insurrection,” analysts are saying. Read More.
Blake Masters: 'Powers that be' removed Trump
The Arizona special election audit report comes out today and Grand Canyon State GOP Senate candidate Blake Masters, who is shaping up to be a leading voice of the America First: The Next Generation movement, has eloquently stated its importance. Read More.
FDA official wants Nazi-style 'registry' of unvaccinated
In Part 2 of its Covid vaccine investigative series, Project Veritas unveiled a video showing an FDA official advocating for using "blow darts" to get the vaccine into African Americans and calling for a "Nazi Germany" style "registry" of unvaccinated Americans. Read More.
Déjà vu in Afghanistan: Obama’s Benghazi team is back
Team Biden's catastrophic withdrawal from Afghanistan, which saw 13 American military personnel and nearly 200 Afghans killed in the terrorist bombing of Kabul airport and the bungled U.S. drone strike which killed ten members, including seven children, of an American-friendly Afghan family, elicited "an eerie sense of déjà vu," an analyst noted. Read More.
Milley calls undermined Trump's approach to China
Former U.S. officials say the Trump administration’s approach to China would have been “completely undermined” by Gen. Mark Milley’s unauthorized phone calls to China’s top general in which, according to a new book by Bob Woodward and Robert Costa, Milley said he would inform China of any U.S. attack. Read More.
New poll: U.S. better off if Trump had won
Half of voters in a new Scott Rasmussen poll said they believe America would be better off today if Donald Trump had won the 2020 presidential election. Read More.
Dems 'whipped' into frenzy over border agents on horseback
Amid the ongoing humanitarian disaster at the U.S. southern border that they are largely responsible for, Democrats savagely attacked Border Patrol agents who were filmed on horseback trying to stop illegals from illegally entering the country, i.e. doing their job. Read More.
Maricopa supervisor: Mass voter fraud in 2020 election
Mass voter fraud was conducted in Arizona in the 2020 election via “dead people voting” and “ballot harvesting,” a Maricopa County Supervisor said in a leaked phone call. Read More.
Press not free in once-democratic South Korea
The South Korean courts and the government of leftist President Moon Jae-In have stepped up their crackdown on press freedom by imprisoning YouTube commentators who are critical of the regime or entities which support it, a report said. Read More.
Bill Gates funded ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN coverage of his agenda
Simple and to the point. Let’s look at how ABC, CBS, NBC, and CNN took the dirty Bill Gates money and are now lavishing him with friendly news coverage. This review tracks how these major broadcast networks explicitly went down this road more than 10 years ago and how they continue on it today. Read More.
Whistleblower: HHS suppressing vax adverse reactions
In an explosive interview with James O’Keefe of Project Veritas, a whistleblower within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) revealed that doctors and nurses there are observing numerous adverse reactions to the Covid vaccines, most or all of which go unreported, even in cases of death. Read More.

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