July 26, 2024


Powell: ‘New Inauguration Day’ would be set
Amid ongoing election audits in several states, attorney Sidney Powell was asked what would happen if swing states were to overturn their 2020 election results. Read More.
NH audit team invited Dominion vendor to participate
Residents of Windham, New Hampshire were reportedly outraged to learn that the director of the forensic audit of the 2020 election ballots invited the president of the company which sold voting machines to the town to view the audit. Read More.
Normalization of sex work gets renewed push
With the tortured power shift that finally took place on Jan. 20, a marginalized sector of humanity at the "intersection" of things that matter in Washington, D.C. is finally getting some love. Read More.
Election integrity among 22 vetoes by Arizona Gov. Ducey
Arizona Republican Gov. Doug Ducey on Friday vetoed 22 pieces of legislation passed by the state legislature, including an election integrity bill and a bill that would ban the use of taxpayer dollars for critical race theory training. Read More.
Kids as 'health consumers': Vaccine push to exclude parents
The ever-creepy Joe Biden White House has made a direct video appeal to young people to get the coronavirus vaccine. Read More.
Ex-PLA general owns Texas land near U.S. Air Force base
A Chinese firm run by a former officer in the People’s Liberation Army has purchased 130,000 acres of land in Texas which is situated near one of the busiest Air Force pilot training bases in the nation, an analyst said. Read More.
Media ignored clues on Covid origins for 17 months
For 17 months, WorldTribune and other independent media have reported on the evidence that Covid originated in a lab in Wuhan, China. And for 17 months the corporate media characterized those reports as "conspiracy theories" while Big Tech suppressed the sharing of such information on Facebook and Google search. Read More.
They sacrificed their futures, and we will never forget them
It’s Memorial Day again. The day seems to come faster each year, and 2021 is especially poignant because our nation is in uncharted waters. Read More.
Trump slams Ryan as ‘curse on the Republican Party’
Paul Ryan is a RINO and it was mistake for the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library to invite him as a speaker, former President Donald Trump said. Read More.
Lawsuits begin over mandated covid vaccines
A recent MSN report noted that attorneys from the New York law firm Siri & Glimstad have taken on several cases involving the mandating of covid vaccines. Read More.
Election audit bombshells in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan
Yawns from the Corporate Media monopolies over the ongoing election audits could not hide the fact that as Memorial Day 2021 approaches, the 2020 election is far from over. Read More.
Time's up: Resign now, Dr. Evil
Dr. Anthony Fauci must go. He is responsible for one of the greatest crimes in world history: Funding the Wuhan lab in China that led to the release of the coronavirus. The result has been millions dead — over 500,000 in the U.S. alone — and the destruction of the West’s economy. Read More.
ATF pick sets sights on banning the AR-15
David Chipman, a gun-control advocate who is Joe Biden's pick to head up the ATF, said on Wednesday that he would ban the most popular rifle in the U.S. and hinted that he would confiscate AR-15s already in the possession of Americans. Read More.
Crimes against humanity: Vaccine cabal unleashed
There is widespread agreement backed up by solid research that the federal government’s voluntary (“passive”) Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) is fundamentally flawed because it captures only 1 percent to 10 percent of all adverse vaccine events. Read More.
China testing 'emotion detection' system on Uyghurs
The communist government in China is using Muslim Uyghurs held in concentration camps as literal "lab rats" to test an "emotion detection" system designed to be used by authorities for “pre-judgement without any credible evidence,” a report said. Read More.

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