September 19, 2024
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Washington Exposé: Episode 42 - Washington Warlords, Hollywood Hypocrites, Operation Chokepoint and Real America

Show Notes

Welcome to Washington Expose, the only podcast in unoccupied America that’s sad it’s into its 42nd episode and not yet been shadow-banned by anyone other than Julianne Moore.  Your hosts Bill Wilson, Carter Clews and Larry ward wrap up another great week with a hodgepodge of insanity that’s made this whole week epically crazy. Bill Wilson goes dons his coffee-stained flack jacket and in his best Brian Williams impression to go behind the enemy lines of the Republic of Capitol Hill, formerly known as Seattle to report on the hypocrisy of succession the rebels are pulling on their homeland -- lucky for them there’s plenty of rebel flags available in the Southern States, given that they’ve all been pulled down.  Bill gives what is, perhaps, the single greatest explanation of all time as to why Southerners are appalled at the removal of Confederate statues in their hometowns -- the answer lies in reconciliation and compromise as provided by the victors of that bloody war and nothing to do with race. The fellas take a trip to Hollywoodland and declare that all the “Warlords of La La Land” are at it again with their sappy video pleas of compassion and inclusion -- all recorded in their zillion dollar homes, surrounded by fences and with scripts written for them by some puffy public relations guy who smells of cabbage.  Bill and Carter then focus on how the whole Left’s attempt to squash conservatism was organized by then-President Obama and his “Operation Choke-point,” which focused on choking out financial life out of the 2nd Amendment. The fellas wrap up the week with a grimacing view of what America has become today gratis of the Democrats and what it likely means as for their overall agenda.  Those listening to this episode and who have relatives who served on either side of the Civil War are strongly encouraged to hold a seance and summon their kinfolk up and encourage them to join in unity and go kick the crap out of the new American rebels.

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