October 22, 2024
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Washington Exposé : Episode 3

Show Notes

You won't want to miss today's episode! Bill Wilson lays out the history of globalism going back 100 years. 

George W. Bush Center: More Globalization Is the Answer to Coronavirus Crisis
Read article on Breitbart

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Welcome to Washington Expose, the only podcast in America that just waited in line two hours to get gas. Gas crisis. Border Crisis. First, it's GOODBYE LIZ AND NO THANKS FOR THE TRATORIST MEMORIES ... the latest on Liz Cheney's demotion and Trump's certain lock on the Republican party. Then, it's on to crisis after crisis after crisis that's popping up. Now that we find ourselves in the late 1970’s, the Carter-Biden Administration is in full meltdown and the fellas today rip into this new socialist beginning for America. You are going to be jolted at the reality that comes from today’s discussion – all the more reason to horde your favorite dry-goods now as food will become very scarce fast.  We’ve seen this movie before and it only ends when a strong-willed Republican gets into office.  Viewers of today’s show are strongly encouraged to visit www.freepressers.com for the latest on the gas crisis.

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Carter Administration 2.0 with Dementia

Welcome to Washington Expose, the only show in America that refuses to go back to long lines at the gas station. On today’s show, the fellas dive deep and hard into every element that made the Carter Administration a pure joke has resurfaced in 2021. From rising interest rates, Iran getting uppity and general malaise, the only good news is that we all can get ready for the next Ronald Reagan. Viewers of today’s show are strongly encouraged to check out www.freepressers.com.

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America’s Rotting Financial Core Means Certain Panic

Welcome to The Washington Expose Show, the only program in America that is unafraid to show you the contrast between today’s economy and that of former President Donald J. Trump pre-Fauci days.

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HEARD IT HERE FIRST: TRUMP as Pelosi’s Successor to Speaker in 2022...

Welcome to Washington Expose, the only show in America bold enough to declare former President Donald J. Trump as Nancy Pelosi’s replacement when the Republicans take over the House in 2022.

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Speaker Donald Trump? Here's exactly how that can happen...

Welcome to Washington Expose, the only show in America that is the first to explain exactly how former President Donald J. Trump could easily become Speaker of the House if the Republicans make enough gains in 2022.

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MORE BIDENHOOD: Rich to pay indefinitely for poor...

Welcome to Washington Expose, the only show in America that is the first to explain exactly anyone with a better bank account than anyone else will now be considered rich and taxable. On today’s show, Biden’s push for tax increases while promising tax reductions is a sleight of hand that has been practiced forever – this time, the consequences are devastating. Wilson, Ward and Clews put into perspective the financial and cultural damage that will continue to erode the divide between classes and people in our former republic. Our resident expert in political strategy Bill Wilson lays out exactly how we got to this point and what needs to happen to get the pendulum to swing once again right. Viewers of today’s show are strongly encouraged to check on the latest news and information at www.freepressers.com.

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Liz Cheney is on the ropes ... her successor has been chosen...

Welcome to Washington Expose, the only podcast in America unafraid to poke the bear, even if said bear runs the FBI, CIA, DOJ and JOE. Today is a final showdown on just how the Republic of the United States of America has morphed into a wholly-owned and operated subsidiary of nutjob liberals and Commies.

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Chauvin juror who attended pre-trial rally may jeopardize guilty verdict...

Welcome to Washington Expose, the only program in America bold enough to explain the impact of the juror in the Derek Chauvin trial may have on the guilty verdict by attending a rally last year and wearing a “Get Your Knee Off Our Necks/BLM” T-shirt, raising questions about whether he told the truth during jury selection. He lied, lied and lied and even though he’s not in the juror box at the moment, he may be on the defendant's stand pretty soon.

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UPDATE: How DNC Staffer Seth Rich Murder Case was Squashed by the FBI

Welcome to Washington Expose, the only podcast brave enough to expose for a second time-sensitive and controversial information about the WikiLeaks data on the murder of DNC Staffer Seth Rich. On today’s “Best Of” edition, we reprise our most popular show in recent times and have updated it with currently released information that will make your head spin. If you’ve seen and heard this show before – try again, because you are going to pick up on a lot of things you’ve missed the first time! Viewers of today’s show are strongly encouraged to get a dark pair of sunglasses and a trench coat because what you’re about to learn will put you in a whole different and very bright light.

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GUESS WHO … the most activist DOJ/FBI in history is targeting next?

Welcome to Washington Expose, the only podcast in America that is still rolling around the floor laughing from last night’s fake State of the Union Address. Today we report on just what damage to America Biden did last night and we dig deep into the nation’s most activist DOJ and FBI – you are going to quake in your Cabela boots at WHO they are targeting next.

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GET REAL: It isn’t a real State of the Union Address …

Welcome to Washington Expose the only podcast in America that will be watching playing the drinking game tonight every time Joe-Joe “the talking eggplant” Biden mentions the word “Free.” We plan on having a headache for tomorrow’s show. The fellas rip open the farce that is the supposed State of the Union Address and put it into a historic perspective as being on par with Gerald Ford’s WIN Button speech. We have an early copy of his speech and we interpret it into normal human language to reveal one common phrase, “Tax the Rich.” Viewers of today’s show are strongly encouraged to remember that everything that is free is going to cost somebody something and it’s likely going to be you.

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Seth Rich bombshell: Someone 'wanted to pay or actually paid a lot of money' to murder him…

Welcome to Washington Expose, the only podcast in America that is most certain that Seth Rich would have lived to see another day if he just went to work for the RNC. Our bombshell revelation comes after combing through WikiLeaks documents and finding one surprise after another on how the FBI held back information on how the young man was shot twice in the back, his wallet untouched and was alive on the way to the hospital. Also on today’s coverage, no sacred cows today on the show as crazed, pussy-hat wearing feminazis are the target for their constant bizarre behavior. Viewers of today’s show are strongly encouraged to dig up the WikiLeaks documents on the Seth Rich murder and see what the FBI has been holding back on. Then, expect a knock at the door.

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SOLVED: Guess who "squashed" the DNC Staffer Seth Rich’s murder case at the FBI...

Welcome to Washington Expose, the only podcast in America that is unafraid to list how many have been Epsteined, Clintionized and Obamanated since starting the list in 1993 with Vince Foster’s death. In that vein, we reveal breaking news on just who at the FBI put the kibosh on the investigation into the young 27-year-old DNC staffer Seth Rich’s murder in a posh Capitol Hill neighborhood. You are about to be stunned when you learn who squashed it and how they did it.

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NY LIB PARENTS REVOLT: Critical race theory garbage!

Welcome to Washington Expose, the only podcast in America unafraid to continue to bring you information about how the “critical race theory” is now causing revolts by parents in New York. We dig deep into the parent’s pleas to their school boards to start acting smart so they can start teaching smart. What you’re about to hear happening in the nation’s wealthiest county is now planning to do to dummy down their kids in the name of racism – a county whose black population is 8.1% and the rest of the minorities just don’t care.

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TOO REAL: USPS censuring YOUR MAIL based on THIS criteria …

Welcome to Washington Expose, the only show in America that is not surprised at all the USPS has gotten into the act and is now determining what mail you get based on a surprisingly disgusting invasion of your privacy. On today’s show, we continue to break this story and give you the ramifications how the action by the USPS will continue to impact your life.

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