July 27, 2024

U.S. Politics

Liz Cheney opts for D.C. over Wyoming, won’t resign
Rep. Liz Cheney said she has no intention of departing the Swamp after Wyoming Republicans called on her to resign. Read More.
Lindell has made 3-hour film about 2020 election 'theft'
Mike Lindell said he plans to release a three-hour documentary about "the theft" of the 2020 presidential election. Read More.
NC Lt. Gov. slams leftist media for depicting GOP as KKK
On Feb. 2, leftist media outlet WRAL-TV published a cartoon which depicted North Carolina Republicans as the Ku Klux Klan. Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson, a Republican and the state's first black lieutenant governor, blasted WRAL. Read More.
Jan. 6: Was Ocasio-Cortez's trauma drama for real?
When a New York City executive security professional saw stories and the video about Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) being allegedly terrorized at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6 by domestic terrorists and insurrectionists (aka patriotic, conservative Americans), he was skeptical. Read More.
Gov. DeSantis warns Big Tech: Don't mess with Florida
Big Tech companies will face severe consequences if they violate the privacy of Florida's residents and attempt to interfere in citizens' access to candidates during elections, Gov. Ron DeSantis said on Tuesday. Read More.
Kathy Boockvar, Pennsylvania secretary of state, resigns
The Pennsylvania Democrat secretary of state who was at the center of the disputed 2020 election in the state has resigned after failing to comply with state election law in the advertising of a constitutional amendment not related to the 2020 election. Read More.
Democrats, Biden lied about $2,000 stimulus checks
So what about those $2,000 checks? That was a Big Lie. The Democrat Party's official Twitter account on Jan. 30 said that Biden will "build on the $600 down payment provided by Congress last year, sending an additional $1,400 to households across America, totaling direct payments to $2,000 per person." Read More.
Pro-Trump organizations to push 'America First' agenda
After seemingly putting to rest rumors that he would form a new political party, Trump's team has announced the formation of two organizations "that will help to frame the ideology of the Republican Party in terms friendly to Trump’s political movement." Read More.
Stroke of a pen: Biden replaces capitalism with socialism
In signing over 40 executive orders prepared by his team, Joe Biden last week knocked capitalism off the rails and went full steam ahead on socialism, a columnist noted. Read More.
Biden rescinds ban on U.S. funding for abortion abroad
Joe Biden on Thursday rescinded the Trump administration policy which banned the use of U.S. taxpayers' money to fund abortion overseas. Read More.
Kerry to oil workers who lost jobs: 'go make solar panels'
John Kerry has some advice for energy industry workers who lost their jobs when Joe Biden shut down the Keystone XL Pipeline — go learn to make solar panels. Read More.
Poll finds most Americans oppose convicting President Trump
Most Americans believe Senate Democrats' relentless push to convict President Donald Trump in a second impeachment trial will only further divide the nation, a new poll found. Read More.
Biden policies make way for surge of illegals to border
Believing that Joe Biden will hold the door for them as they walk right in, illegal immigrants from around the world are surging to the U.S. southern border, many of them carrying the coronavirus, reports say. Read More.
Unions, states, Native tribes slam Biden's energy bans
Joe Biden killed thousands of union jobs by canceling the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline soon after he was inaugurated on Jan. 20. Biden also put a 60-day moratorium on new oil and natural gas leases and drilling permits on federal lands. Read More.
Sen. Hawley: 'Have you checked your social credit score today?'
In the 19 days since the Jan. 6, 2021 rally in support of President Donald Trump, the Left has moved with lightning speed to silence dissent in the once-free United States of America. One U.S. senator is speaking out "while we still can." Read More.

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