July 27, 2024

U.S. Politics

Democrats aim to unseat Republican who won by 6 votes
Democrats on the House Administration Committee last week started the process of unseating Iowa Republican Rep. Mariannette Miller-Meeks, who defeated her Democrat opponent, Rita Hart, by six votes in the Nov. 3 election. Read More.
Facebook swung 2020 election, company official says
Facebook's chief of global planning says the company's voter registration drive, which signed up over 4.5 million people, swung the 2020 election to Joe Biden. Read More.
Feds to S. Dakota: No fireworks at Rushmore on July 4
Joe Biden's National Park Service denied South Dakota’s request to hold a fireworks display at Mount Rushmore on the Fourth of July. Read More.
Ruling class orders Americans to 'shut up' on vote fraud
The ruling class and corporate media sent a strong signal to Americans who felt it was their patriotic duty to report what they saw as incidents of fraud in the 2020 election: Shut up. Read More.
Donald Trump to RNC: 'No more money to RINOs'
Former President Donald Trump is calling on potential donors to stop sending money to Republicans In Name Only (RINOs). Read More.
Who counted the votes in Green Bay, Wisconsin?
A Democrat Party operative from Brooklyn, NY was given access to boxes of absentee ballots in Wisconsin before the 2020 election, a report said. Read More.
There's 'normal' and then there's the 'Swamp'
Retired Navy Admiral William McRaven said that America needed a leader who would restore civility. What he was aspiring to was "the normalcy of America to fight wars everywhere in the world," an analysis said. Read More.
Covid relief: Democrats rewarded for incompetence
Tyrants taking care of their own at the expense of U.S. taxpayers. One can't find that story in the corporate media. Read More.
Covid relief? $50 million goes to Planned Parenthood
The Democrats' $1.9 trillion covid relief bill passed by the Senate on Saturday includes millions of dollars for the abortion industry. Read More.
Media takes Al Green’s insurrection ‘stunt’ seriously
Texas Democrat Rep. Al Green sat on the steps of the U.S. Capitol on March 4 in an act of defiance and bravery against an impending insurrection. And the media completely fell for the 'stunt' which turned out to be complete BS. Read More.
Trump’s CPAC speech scrubbed from YouTube
Former President Donald Trump’s speech to CPAC 2021 has reportedly been blacklisted by YouTube. Read More.
Silicon Valley subway tunnel removed from covid relief bill
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s move to add $140 million for a Silicon Valley subway tunnel to the coronavirus relief package was rejected by the Senate parliamentarian on Wednesday. Read More.
Squad member's bid to lower voting age to 16 rejected
The House by a vote of 302-125 on Wednesday rejected a measure that would lower the voting age to 16 for federal elections. Read More.
At CPAC, Trump slammed 'gutless’ Supreme Court
Former President Donald Trump on Sunday blasted the Supreme Court for refusing to hear cases regarding the disputed 2020 presidential election. Read More.
Full text of former President Trump's comeback speech
The media and the Washington class were silent about the re-emergence of former President Donald Trump in a major speech at CPAC on Feb. 28 in Orlando, Florida. Read More.

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