July 26, 2024

U.S. Politics

In triumphant return, Trump skewers Biden 'catastrophe'
For millions watching the CPAC speech live in Orlando and on television, the Trump magic was back with a gut punch to the Biden White House. Read More.
Levine ducks questions from Sen. Paul on transing children
Dr. Rachel Levine, a gender non-conforming biological male who identifies as transgender and Joe Biden's pick for deputy health secretary, supports "gender-dysphoric" children receiving puberty blockers, cross-gender hormone injections, and sex reassignment surgery. Read More.
What our taxes are paying for in Covid relief bill
Covid relief legislation, at a cost of $1.9 trillion to taxpayers, is infected with waste and partisan kick-backs that have nothing to do with the virus. Read More.
Trump takes note that his polls are 'through the roof'
Donald J. Trump is "probably" interested in a presidential run 2024, the former president’s daughter-in-law Lara Trump said. Read More.
Palin eyed as challenger to Alaska Sen. Murkowski
Republican Party officials in Alaska are fed up with Sen. Lisa Murkowski. Read More.
Kamala Harris reportedly taking calls from heads of state
The White House on Feb. 15 published a readout of a call with French President Emmanuel Macron of France. The call was not taken by Joe Biden, but rather Kamala Harris. Read More.
Trump: 'Rush thought we won the election — we did win'
Former President Donald Trump praised conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh, who passed away Wednesday, as a "legend." With that and other interviews, Trump re-emerged also marveling that impeachment seemed to have boosted his approval ratings. Read More.
6 of 7 GOP senators who voted to convict Trump rebuked
Of the seven Republican senators who voted to convict former President Donald Trump in the Senate impeachment trial, six have been censured in their home states by party organizations or grassroots voters. Read More.
Do Democrats have the votes to pass D.C. statehood?
In their pursuit of a permanent majority in Congress, Democrats are lining up to sponsor a push for Washington, D.C. statehood. Read More.
Self-published: Don Jr. does end run around censors
With social media and publishing houses instituting a ban on his father and Republicans fighting amongst themselves on how to deliver what message or whom to back, Donald Trump Jr. has stepped in to "fill the GOP vacuum on the national stage." Read More.
Pelosi, 0 for 2 in impeachments, unleashes furious rant
Having just enshrined herself in the history books as the first House Speaker to lose two impeachment trials, an infuriated California Democrat Nancy Pelosi said she isn't interested in censuring former President Donald Trump. Read More.
Dumps Trump: Nikki Haley launches her 2024 campaign
In what declared her ambitions to be the 2024 GOP presidential nominee, former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley in a really long and equivocating Friday interview with Politico not only broke with former President Donald Trump, but threw him under the bus. Read More.
Joe Biden says you must mask up — for the next year
Joe Biden says you should be masking up "at least" for the next year. The virus could be an afterthought, but you must wear that mask. Or even two of them at the same time. Read More.
'Not guilty vote is growing,' Sen. Graham says
Democrat House impeachment managers in their Wednesday presentations further weakened their case against former President Donald Trump, Sen. Lindsey Graham said. Read More.
Biden's climate orders could damage environment
Joe Biden's executive orders on climate change are not only killing thousands of American jobs but are also likely to damage the environment more than healing it, lawmakers and energy industry experts say. Read More.

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