July 26, 2024

U.S. Politics

Corporate media demands 'cleansing' of Trump movement
ABC News political director Rick Klein said that America needs to be "cleansed" of the Trump movement. Read More.
Rev. Graham warns Swamp: ‘God’s judgment is coming’
After the fraudulent election of Joe Biden, who supports killing the unborn almost without limit, voters in Georgia apparently gave Senate seats to two Democrats, Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock, who are part of a "demonic-driven abortion agenda," evangelist Franklin Graham said. Read More.
After Georgia: Leftists call for more states, court packing
As Democrat Raphael Warnock claimed victory in one Senate runoff on Jan. 5, and Democrat Jon Ossoff in the second, leftists immediately jumped into action to call for enacting laws that will essentially guarantee one-party rule for Democrats and drive the United States toward socialism. Read More.
Trump: Pence has 'power to reject fraudulently chosen electors'
Vice President Mike Pence could delay certifying the 2020 election results when Congress convenes Wednesday and instead ask legislatures in six contested states to clarify which candidate's slate of electors should be approved, a lawyer for President Donald Trump's legal team said on Monday. Read More.
'Amen' and 'awoman': Democrats off the deep end
To close a prayer he delivered from the House chamber Sunday to mark the swearing in of the 117th Congress, Democrat Missouri Rep. Emanuel Cleaver altered the traditional “amen” to say “amen and awoman.” Read More.
‘Momentum’ to fight election theft 'rapidly gaining'
"The momentum to fight against voter fraud and election theft is rapidly gaining," Alabama Republican Rep. Mo Brooks, who is leading the House effort to challenge electoral votes, said on Saturday after a conference call between President Donald Trump and more than 50 Congress members. Read More.
'Joe Biden Is Not My President' group deleted by Facebook
Without warning or explanation, a Facebook group named "Joe Biden IS NOT MY PRESIDENT!" has been deleted from the social media platform, a report said. Read More.
Analysts: More than 30,000 Trump votes removed in Georgia
A team of data scientists told the Georgia Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Wednesday they had proof that more than 30,000 votes were removed from President Donald Trump's Nov. 3 tally in Georgia an another 12,173 votes were switched to Joe Biden. Read More.
In nod to Big Tech, Congress overrides Trump veto
Congress delivered a rebuke to President Trump during a rare New Year's Day session, handing him his first veto override. Read More.
Graphics tell the story of a disputed election
Following are several graphics which help tell the story of the disputed 2020 election, including the infamous "vote spikes" for Joe Biden in the early morning hours of Nov. 4. Read More.
Abrams’ sister: A portrait of widespread judicial corruption
U.S. District Judge Leslie Abrams Gardner on Dec. 28 ruled against Muscogee and Ben Hill counties' residency challenges of more than 4,000 voters on Georgia election rolls who the counties said had filed change-of-address notices with the U.S. Postal Service. The ruling comes days before the Georgia runoffs that will decide the balance of power in the Senate. Read More.
Hawley commits to challenging Electoral College results
Missouri Republican Sen. Josh Hawley said he will object during the counting of Electoral College votes during the joint session of Congress on Jan. 6. Read More.
Is Trump in over his head — or just executing his plan?
When is the storm coming? Where's the Kraken? The clock on overturning the results of the disputed 2020 election is running out. What is President Donald Trump's plan? Read More.
'1 million people in Pa. had their votes stolen'
A mathematician said that his analysis of official data from Pennsylvania counties showed some "1 million Americans had their vote stolen from them." Read More.
How a Republican could be elected House speaker on Jan. 3
Democrats are facing a nightmare scenario which would see a Republican elected Speaker of the House on Jan. 3, ending Nancy Pelosi's reign despite Democrats holding a slim majority. Read More.

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