January 25, 2025


Prager on how 2020 Dems 'stink’
Dennis Prager tore into Democrats running for their party’s 2020 presidential nomination. In the Aug. 12 edition of his radio show, Prager, a WorldTribune columnist, says the current Democratic field lies “with the ease with which you breathe.” Read More.
A heartfelt heartland message to Beto: Zip it!
As the two tragic mass shootings dominated the airwaves, Democratic politicians quickly attempted to blame President Trump for the hate-filled and mentally disturbed action of the shooters. The most notable windbag was El Paso native Robert Francis O’Rourke. Read More.
‘I lived under Hitler and Stalin:’ They promised socialism but ‘gave us tyranny instead’
I met R. Sellner Reese about 9 years ago and found her story one of the most compelling and unusual ever; she lived under two of the most murderous socialist governments in human history: Adolph Hitler and Joseph Stalin. Read More.
Politics before country: What is wrong with people?
The unseemly sight of nearly the entire Democratic congressional delegation sitting on their hands and clinging to their chairs throughout Donald Trump’s State of the Union speech is further evidence that they want America to fail on Trump’s watch. Read More.
Idiocrats in our idiocracy weigh in on public housing for legal Americans
We no longer live in a constitutional republic. We live in an idiocracy. Read More.
Anne Hathaway Scolds Pro-Life 'White Women' Over Anti-Abortion Laws
"... let us also call out the complicity of the white women who made this awful moment possible" Read More.

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