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  • 09/11/2019
FPI / September 10, 2019

Analysis by Tim Donner, LibertyNation.com

Tim Donner: It was an orgy of climate change alarmism that CNN, the most trusted name in news, put on display last Wednesday night. A parade of Democratic presidential candidates claiming the end of the world is nigh, or at least a decade or so away, because of the neglect and evil of giant corporations and their collaborators, the party of climate change deniers known as Republicans.

Seven straight hours of this. That’s 420 minutes and 25,200 seconds of uninterrupted hysteria. I did the math, but before we start with just a smattering of the unhinged statements made by these environmental extremists – or outright extremists – running for the highest office in the land, please know that the operative phrase is no longer global warming or climate change or even climate crisis. It’s climate catastrophe. And the surging Fauxcahontas, Senator Elizabeth Warren, said we need to take radical action like the green new deal right now.

Elizabeth Warren: We better be willing to put the resources into it because the alternative is unthinkable. Life on earth is at risk. And if we don’t make this commitment, we not only cheat our children, we cheat their future and their children’s future, and that is morally wrong.

Tim: See, this is a moral issue. Leftists support Mother Earth. Trump and his fellow reactionaries have contempt for the planet. They want to rape and plunder it, destroy it for future generations. But you also better understand that climate catastrophe is just a single element of a broader social justice agenda. Listen to this question from a leftist full of fear and trembling about overpopulation and then how old Bernie Sanders ties it to abortion.

Fearful questioner: Human population growth has more than doubled in the past 50 years. The planet cannot sustain this growth. I realize this is a poisonous topic for politicians, but it’s crucial to face. Empowering women and educating everyone on the need to curb population growth seems a reasonable campaign to enact. Would you be courageous enough to discuss this issue and make it a key feature of a plan to address climate catastrophe?

Bernie Sanders: Well, the answer is yes and the answer has everything to do with the fact that women in the United States of America, by the way, have a right to control their own bodies and make reproductive decisions.

Tim: See what he did there? Bernie agrees with the thoroughly discredited proposition that population control will reduce world poverty, something the left was screaming decades ago, but which never succeeded in reducing poverty. And so the woman’s right to choose means more abortions and thus population control.

But speaking of discredited ideas, or candidates, how about Joe Biden? And I’m not talking about the growing pool of blood accumulating in his left eye as he was interviewed. Sarah Cowgill noted on LibertyNation.com that some people tweeted tongue in cheek that it was Satan trying to get out of Biden’s body before the man keeled over. But anyway, Biden wants to take cars off the road with a solution that’s already proven way too expensive and way too inaccessible for the average citizen. And of course, old Joe stumbled his way to the answer.

Anderson Cooper: Should the U S ban fossil fuel exports as some other candidates are calling for?

Joe Biden: I think we should, in fact, depending on what it is they’re exporting for what they’re replacing. Everything is incremental. Everything is incremental. For example, you talked earlier about transportation. I’ve been pushing really hard for mass transit and for rail. We can take millions of vehicles off the road if we had high speed rail. I’ve been a champion of that for the last 25 years.

Tim: California is the leader in trying to substitute rail transit for buses, but their heavy rail project connecting the Northern and Southern parts of the state was scrapped this year because even California couldn’t get away with the massive tax increases it would take to finance it. But from big trains we moved to something much smaller and Kamala Harris.

CNN Questioner: Do you ban plastic straws?

Kamala Harris: I think we should. Yes. I mean, look, I’m going to be honest. It’s really difficult to drink out of a paper straw when you had … if you don’t gulp it down immediately it starts to bend and then you know the little thing catches it and then, you know … so we got to kind of perfect that one a little bit more.

Tim: You know, Kamala constantly gives the impression that she hasn’t thought these things over with her casual answers. Yeah, we probably should ban plastic straw. Sure, why not? And she often answers questions about the toughest issues by saying we need to have a conversation about that … as if the Democratic primary is not the place to have the conversation. Maybe that’s why Kamala is stalled in single digits in the polls.

But not to be outdone by CNN on climate catastrophe, MSNBC decided to bring on Spartacus, Senator Cory Booker, to answer the rhetorical questions of host Chris Hayes.

Chris Hayes: It does feel like a matter of time and just a question of when of how many climate disasters we’re going to see increasingly here in the mainland of the United States.

Cory Booker: This is no longer up for debate in most Americans’ hearts and minds except for a narrow group of leadership that is doing the bidding of the fossil fuel industries and other massive corporate lobbyists who are trying to stop us doing action. And meanwhile, the consensus of global scientists are saying if we do not act with a sense of urgency in about an 11 year window, the catastrophic effects on humanity, we better plan for planetary crisis, migratory problems, extremism, famines, the kind of things that if we do not act that we will see on the planet earth.

Tim: You know, there is no such thing as a global scientist like Spartacus referred to or even a climate scientist. These are not actual fields. They’re not accredited fields. They don’t exist except in the environmental fantasies of the left.

But lest you think this climate change alarmism is just a conversation the left is having with itself, listen to Tom Wilson, the CEO of Allstate insurance company, which is settling claims on hurricane Dorian, which mostly affected The Bahamas.

Tom Wilson: The United States in a way has dodged a bullet because these storms are big these days, and this is really all about climate change. This is a one in a 500 year storm. The only issue is there’s been 26 in the last 10 years. Whether it’s a wildfire, it’s hail, it’s hurricanes, and people are not protected from floods. They’re not protected from giant hail. So we have to help them get better prepared. We have to build the houses differently. We have to adjust to the fact that the weather’s different.

Tim: I’m wondering when in the history of recorded civilization, the weather now and the weather last year or 20 years ago or 50 years ago or a hundred years ago, were not different. But be afraid, be very afraid, the Democrats warn. Mother Earth is angry, and unless we outlaw the fossil fuels which drive our entire economy, wipe them off the face of the Earth, we are certainly … on the eve of destruction.  

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