July 27, 2024


Carson: PC Culture will 'destroy' the USA
Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Secretary Ben Carson warned that PC is dangerously close to usurping our First Amendment rights, and will “destroy” the country. Read More.
Atlantic Council is intimately linked to latest attempted coup
A globalist Swamp think tank is at the very heart of the latest impeachment coup against President Trump. And it's uncanny how many prominent anti-America First dots are circling its orbit. Read More.
GOP should evict this never-Trumper ingrate
Sen. Mitt Romney is a political traitor. The Utah Republican should be thrown out of the GOP. Read More.
UN rights winners: Venezuela, Libya, Sudan, Mauritania
You can’t make this up. Venezuela, a state marred by widespread human rights abuses, one whose government has created humanitarian violations and then callously blocked international humanitarian aid, has won a contested seat on the UN’s Human Rights Council in a three-way race for two seats. Read More.
Hillary redux? 'This chick isn't normal'
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has been making a concerted effort to be out and about and seen to an extent that no other losing presidential candidate has done. Read More.
Dem incumbents face the music
It’s not much of a secret that Democrats have ceased even trying to be a truly national party anymore. Read More.
Tulsi Gabbard’s wrong-headed support for Iran's ayatollahs
Tulsi Gabbard, one of the minor candidates from the 20-strong field of Democrat presidential hopefuls, has been getting a considerable amount of attention. Read More.
Update on Red China for those who were unaware
Many Western observers assumed that the incorporation of market economics into China’s political system would result in a freer China with close, warm relations with the U.S., the West and China’s free Asian neighbors. Read More.
Behind the leftist attacks on Mark Zuckerberg
Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg recently upset many on the hard left when he gave a speech at Georgetown University. Read More.
Left in Massachusetts take aim at . . . balloons
Liberals want to ban balloons in Massachusetts. Seriously. Read More.
Unreported: One group's clout over Democratic candidates
It is vitally important that the American people realize the full scope of the social engineering tyranny that every major Democratic presidential candidate deliberately bowed down to earlier this month. Read More.
Barr indicts Left for 'organized destruction' of religion
In a speech at the University of Notre Dame, Attorney General William Barr eloquently outlined the myriad ways the assault on religion manifests itself in America today. Read More.
Cash crunch at UN; China now 2nd largest contributor
The 193-member multinational organization is facing a serious cash crunch which has hampered the day to day operations of the world body but nonetheless may be resolved relatively soon when the United States, the major donor state, pays its dues along with sixty other countries. Read More.
Impeachment bluff – who holds the cards?
It’s all about the bluff – or so it appears – as the House of Representatives declines to officially vote on pursuing formal impeachment proceedings against President Trump. Read More.
Change agent: President Trump’s first thousand days
Any overview of the first 1,000 days of President Donald Trump’s administration must be centered around one word: change. Read More.

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