July 26, 2024


With Bolton's exit, North Korea hopes for a deal
Kim Jong-Un must be happy now. What could have made him feel better than for his friend President Donald Trump to dump John Bolton as national security adviser? Read More.
Why Heineken is the globalist beer of choice
If there is a multinational corporation attempting to truly become the globalist beer of choice in the world today, it is Heineken. Read More.
Illegals crime report: A never-ending, horrifying litany
Sanctuary cities and states are only making it easier for predators to remain in our country. Read More.
CNN goes full-blown fiction over CIA Russian asset
One of the lesser-known pieces in the Russian 2016 election meddling puzzle was the alleged presence, within the Kremlin, of a CIA human intelligence asset. Read More.
7 straight hours on climate change? Please
A parade of Democratic presidential candidates claiming the end of the world is nigh, or at least a decade or so away, because of the neglect and evil of giant corporations and their collaborators, the party of climate change deniers known as Republicans. Read More.
Americans infuriated by the Dems' open borders crusade
Earlier this month, Defense Secretary Mark Esper agreed to reallocate $3.6 billion from the Pentagon budget for President Trump’s Big Beautiful Border Wall. Read More.
Part II : Still-powerful Hillary's corporate-feminist network
This week we'll look at a few more radical organizations with ties to the Hillary-created Vital Voices Global Partnership and the corporations that are helping them promote their progressive agenda. Read More.
Trump pulls plug on light bulb hysteria
It is time to put an end to Thomas Edison’s legacy and blame him for the world’s demise in the next decade. Read More.
Elizabeth Warren takes aim at successful Americans
During the Labor Day long weekend, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) appeared in the great state of New Hampshire to kiss babies, shake hands, and peddle her progressive policies. Read More.
The psychotic left and the Trump emergency
From the moment Donald Trump descended that escalator in Trump Tower more than four years ago, a coalition of the political establishment, the left, and the media has demonstrated a willingness to spy on, attack, and defame this man to a degree once thought inconceivable. Read More.
Survey exposes the dark side of #MeToo, but it’s all men’s fault, apparently
For a movement that was supposed to help women, #MeToo seems to be inflicting a lot of unnecessary collateral damage. According to a recent study, changing attitudes have made the workplace more problematic for both men and women. Read More.
Labor Day, 2019: American Dream is alive and well
Once quaintly known as the working man’s holiday – and boy has that moniker been buried – Labor Day pays homage to the social and economic achievements of American workers who have contributed to the strength, prosperity, and security of the greatest nation on earth. Read More.
Corporate Watch: Hillary's global feminist networks
Americans may have been spared having her as president, but Hillary Clinton still remains a powerful force for progressive globalism behind the scenes. Read More.
Reporters deserve all the scrutiny they get
A recent report just revealed some troubling news for the press. Left-leaning journalists, who make their druthers by biasing their reporting against conservatives and Republicans, are currently experiencing a backlash from those who have grown weary of the unfair coverage. Read More.
Hong Kong reveals far Left's true allegiance
For months, up to two million peaceful democracy activists – one-quarter of the population – have protested the local government of Hong Kong for its increasing submission to mainland Communist China that infringes on the freedoms established under British rule. Read More.

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