July 27, 2024


The Left needs a Margaret Thatcher education
The Left repeatedly shrieks about income inequality in the same manner that a high school freshman declares himself an economist because he read a chapter of Milton Friedman’s Free to Choose. Read More.
Mind manipulation through mass entertainment
A leading population control organization that works closely with international abortion providers openly utilizes original radio and television programming to promote its agenda in nations throughout the world. Read More.
Playing both sides: Why AOC doesn't want Trump impeached
After news broke that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) was going to file a formal inquiry into the possibility of ousting President Trump from office the Democrats and their allies in the establishment media were more excited than Jim Acosta in a house full of mirrors. Read More.
‘Good-bye America’
‘Good-bye America’ Read More.
How the Fourth Estate Illuminati silences the right
The adversarial relationship between the president and the Fourth Estate has not dissipated since Donald J. Trump was sworn in on Jan. 20, 2017. Read More.
What history tells us about Trump's 2020 chances
Consider that despite what the mainstream media are desperately trying to convey, most indicators point toward a victory for Trump in 2020. Read More.
Trump vs 'elite postmodern progressive world'
The real source of Trump derangement syndrome, wrote historian and columnist Victor Davis Hanson is Trump’s “desire to wage a multifront pushback — politically, socially, economically, and culturally — against what might be called the elite postmodern progressive world.” Read More.
Immigration tent court sends 42,000 back to Mexico
A rocket docket for immigration hearings that normally could take years to process is handily reducing wait times to as little as 40 to 60 days. Read More.
World faces crisis overload as UN convenes
Presidents, Prime Ministers, and Potentates are assembling in New York for the 74th General Assembly. Read More.
Transgender sports activists get big league support
Big-time sports is being used to promote a radical leftist social agenda. This has been most obviously on display in recent years via the push to advance so-called "transgender" athletes in high school and college sports. Read More.
State of political discourse: From Beto to bare chests
The political discourse was all about boobs in the heartland. Read More.
Forgiving Trudeau but not Trump
Justin Trudeau appears to have been given a free pass by the very same media that has sought to destroy careers for far less. As long as the progressive mantra is constantly sung, all sins can be forgiven. Read More.
California bans travel to Iowa by athletes, officials
California or bust used to be the theme back in the good ole days, but now it seems the Golden State is bursting at its seams with outraged wokeness. Read More.
AOC still thinks the rent is too damn high
Every day, there is some politician – mostly of the leftist persuasion – who convincingly champions education or health care as a human right. Read More.
Kuhner on Elizabeth Warren: Be very worried, America
Sen. Elizabeth Warren is on the move. Latest polls on the Democratic presidential primary have the Massachusetts socialist in second place behind Joe Biden. Some even have her tied for first. Read More.

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