October 17, 2024


Records: Officials discussed how to 'remove' President Trump
Records from the Department of Justice confirmed reports of efforts by top DOJ officials’ to respond to media inquiries about talks within the DOJ/FBI allegedly invoking the 25th Amendment to “remove” President Donald Trump from office. Read More.
Flynn's attorney: DOJ concealing key evidence
Prosecutors in the case of Michael Flynn have dozens of documents that will vindicate the former national security adviser, including an internal Department of Justice memo, Flynn attorney Sidney Powell charged. Read More.
Fear 'the squad': AOC says GOP 'recognizes our power'
Republicans are terrified of “the squad” because they know how “powerful” the four Democratic Congress members are, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said. Read More.
September 11 message by Zawahiri calls for new attacks
Al Qaida leader Ayman al-Zawhairi in a video released on Wednesday, the 18th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terror attacks, called on Muslims to carry out new attacks on targets in the United States, Europe and Israel. Read More.
NRA: San Francisco seeks to blacklist supporters
San Francisco’s move to label the National Rifle Association a “domestic terrorist organization” is another attempt at blacklisting by leftists who seek to squelch free speech they don’t agree with, the NRA said after filing a lawsuit against the city. Read More.
Illegals crime report: A never-ending, horrifying litany
Sanctuary cities and states are only making it easier for predators to remain in our country. Read More.
Report: Team Obama compromised U.S. intel assets
The Obama administration had a history of compromising intelligence assets, misjudging loyalties of informants and leaking key details of covert operations to the media, a report said. Read More.
Survival of the fittest: Gun sales surge amid fears
Firearms purchases in the U.S. surged in August as leftist politicians pushed hard for more gun-control, with some even calling for gun confiscation. Read More.
It was 'only a matter of time': John Bolton exits
Six weeks after hiring John Bolton as national security adviser in April 2018, President Donald Trump pulled the United States out of the Obama-era nuclear pact with Iran and has pummeled Teheran with sanctions in the time since. Read More.
Hillary’s 2011 deal and global Islam's long march
The attacks carried out by Islamic terrorists on September 11, 2001 in New York, Washington and Pennsylvania were an attack on "freedom itself,” then-President George W. Bush said. Read More.
CEO: Climate hysteria pushing German auto industry to brink
Climate change protests against cars in general and stricter CO2 emission limits imposed by the European Union are pushing Germany’s vital auto industry to the “brink of collapse,” Volkswagen CEO Herbert Diess said. Read More.
CNN goes full-blown fiction over CIA Russian asset
One of the lesser-known pieces in the Russian 2016 election meddling puzzle was the alleged presence, within the Kremlin, of a CIA human intelligence asset. Read More.
'Dark money' networks hold sway over U.S. policies
Leftists who often refer to dark money as the “enemy of democracy” apparently have no problem using it when it comes to attempting to subvert President Donald Trump’s immigration policies and judicial nominations, reports say. Read More.
Report: Mueller handled cover up of Saudis' 9-11 role
As then-director of the FBI, Robert Mueller “was the master when it came to covering up” Saudi Arabia’s role in the September 11, 2001 terror attacks, said a survivor who was pulled from the rubble of the World Trade Center 18 years ago. Read More.
Panelists at 9/11 memorial cite climate change, not terrorism
Two days before the 18th anniversary of the Islamist terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, the Senate Homeland Security Committee held a hearing at the National 9/11 Memorial & Museum in New York City. Read More.

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